Author Topic: BAD BACK ANYONE?  (Read 3549 times)


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« on: February 22, 2005, 11:52:45 »
Had to give in and get help for my bad back.  Went to chiro yesterday as was in agony.  On my hands and knees putting sausages in oven for paying guests!  My husband did the waiting on thank goodness.  My poor dog has not been getting his walkies.  Struggled to get car out to go to pay cheques in to bank, took dog out with me for change of scenery (for him not me).  When I got back to the car he'd shat on the back seat  :'( :'( :'( :'(     My husband's fault for giving him Pedigree chum   
Chiropracter knows what I've done and can fix it but it's going to take time.  Meanwhile I can't sit down as if I do I can't get back up.  Aaaagh

Looks like my manure  (cow's should I say) will have to stay where it is for a bit longer  :'(
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« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2005, 13:03:06 »
What a 'pain' in your situation.

Was hospitalised with mine 50 years ago - bending, turning & lifting - the ultimate no-no!

Much sympathy.


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« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2005, 13:06:04 »
 I do hope your back feels better soon Wardy in the meantime take things as easy as you can. take care  Rosebud.


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« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2005, 17:42:40 »

What a pain that is sometimes its unbearable but your in Good Hands.

Wishing you a very speedy recovery ;)

Who did what on the Back Seat your Husband ...........the Dog.............................................or the Pedigree Chum!!!!!!!!

Not laughing  ask Rosebud.........Hahahahahaha
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Mrs Ava

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« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2005, 17:44:33 »
I think it was KenKew who way back when explained that you shouldn't have a hot bath after strenuous work because it actually causes the muscles to tense up even more!  I find a stiff drink, the stiffer the better, helps.  ;D


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« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2005, 17:49:39 »
Hmmm, backs can be a real pain. A couple of years ago I damaged mine when helping to cut up downed trees at home on the farm. This incident involved an ambulance and a 3 days stay in hospital and much embarresment on my part for being so stupid.

Anyway the best advice I can give is to take "Proper" Pilates lessons. I started 3 months aftre the initial accident and went on a weekly basis for 12 months. The instructor came recommended by the Pysio I saw. It did wonders for my back and posture in general. I go back once a month or so now to make sure my technique is correct.

You have my sympathy....

« Last Edit: February 22, 2005, 18:19:04 by sandersj89 »
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« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2005, 17:52:35 »
I'll lend you my corsets, excellent for keeping the back supported, but only good to wear if you are doing standing up things, bending is a bit tricky!
Hot bath in the evening before bed when the muscles have calmed down from the work.
For those who cannot take Ibuprofen type anti-inflammation drugs, see if your Doc will prescribe Powergel, works a treat on my back.
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« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2005, 12:47:14 »
With my back/neck, after my initial few (ha ha!) tweaks at the osteopaths, I have a once a month re-balance! Seems to work for me, and my osteo has been away for a month and a half now, and I can sure feel it!
When hubby had crawl on the floor to the loo backpain, the hospital gave him painkillers, the osteo groaned and said no painkillers, try and keep it moving! He tried the stiff drink remedy, + osteo (and no pills) was still in pain but happy with it!  ;D
Sister went the way of acupuncture and osteo, she swears by it!
Hope yours gets better, whatever route you take! We can all empathise with you! DP
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  • Hectare
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« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2005, 14:07:08 »
 ??? ???

Talking of bad backs are we??   Well mine has been hell these past 3 weeks.  I am sitting at the moment with a hot bag of wheat behind me and its soothing the muscles quite nicely.  I slipped a disc walking on muddy paths few weeks back and got the disc put back in by my oo lalalala French Chiropractor named Claude.  However, instead of getting better the back got worse so visited him again a week later.  I got a row from him for not using Ibrufen or something like that.  My latest moan was that all my muscles from the disc area went into spasm right round to my ribs.  Not funny waking up in th early hours with rippling ribs.  I think, I have improved by about 10 percent since Monday and can now get a sleep with the help of Valium from my Doctor.  These are prescribed as a muscle relaxant.  They say Toothache is the Hell o' a' diseases but I think Back ache is a close second!  At least I am not offering to shovel away the snow this winter.  Hope things improve for you Wardy.


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« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2005, 21:11:35 »
Its getting better when you can put your socks on definately.  In November I had pulled my muscles in my bottom, the maximus glutumous or something, cor, that was agony too and I only started getting moving again once I was able to put on my 'tights'.  I have just realised I am on my 3rd muscle problem since November.  Maybe I should try pilots like Roy has mentioned.  Will look it up in google and see if there is any teachers in this area.

I have often said to my hubby (he has a bad neck).  I dont know what we would do if we didnt have a Chiropractor, they are wonderful and seem to fix our pulled muscles, slipped discs and whatever.  Keep thinking of our parents, they had bad backs but never went to people like that, they just had to suffer, take to their beds (wrong) and take pain killers.  Anyways Wardy glad you feel a bit better in the back area, it is not nice standing to eat the cornflakes, I did that in November.     


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« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2005, 14:16:01 »
 :( :(

Wardy,  Hope you got on OK at the chiropractor.  Is things a bit easier now.  Let us know.  My muscles are easier today but silly fool that I am, stretched too much as in an exercise when I got up this morning and now I have hurt my pelvis area again.  I say no more, I am just a b.....y idiot and not safe to be around!!!

Anyways, hope you are easier.


 ::) ::)

Mrs Ava

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« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2005, 23:15:07 »
Youch!  I broke my cockyx 3 years ago  when collecting my daughter from preschool.  I was crouching down talking to her and she shoved me (playfully of course) and I sat down on my bum with a bump.  It hurt, but didn't take loads of notice, but as the days wore on WOW the pain was bad.  It was a funny pain also, only hurting when I sat down.  When I went to stand it was as though someone had a hold of my spine and was pulling downwards as I was trying to go upwards!  Agony.  Had me in tears.  Car journeys were hell and sitting in front of the 'puter, hell.  Doc told me there was nothing they could do to help, it would get better, but could take years.  It is okay now, very rarely do I get any pains at all, but at the time it was horrendous, so I really do sympathise with you all and your pains!

Roy Bham UK

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« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2005, 23:20:21 »
I would search out family and friends for help at the lottie (if they haven't already offered) and let them know your predicament. You should not go anywhere near that sh manure this year at least, you rest up gal,you could do more damage than you have now, take heed, I've bin there too. ::)

Might be a very old remedy, but my Doc told me to hang off the living room door, clasp your hands over the top of an open door and let your body weight just droop for as long as you can stand, it helped if only to break the monotony of the pain. :o ;D


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« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2005, 23:46:08 »
Oh Roy you brought back memories about hanging from the door.  When I started having bad backs in the 80's that is what I used to do as well, but my favourite trick was getting a lift onto a tree branch and hanging from that!!  Never been much of a lady.

 :o ;D ;D ;D

Roy Bham UK

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« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2005, 09:13:31 »
 ;D Well I've hung around some places :o but never off trees ;D ;D ;D


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« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2005, 10:32:52 »
My chiro should gave me a set of exercises, just basic stretches. If I do them every day (which I don't) then my back tends to be OK. Also a cold pack for the pack (or a bag of peas out of the freezer) is good. I get two sorts of grief an ache in the lower back of the 'grin and bear it' sort -must get a cat to kick ;D and what I guess is a spasm which feels like the mains going across you.

Ibuprofen works -but use it after, if you use it before you do your digging or whatever then you can damage yourself without realising it. I tend to warm up before and during digging , touching toes (as if) and stretching the back -I'd rather look like a wazzock than have to crawl home.

Might not be a problem for you -but I got a long handled spade as I'm tall and that's helped too.



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« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2005, 17:24:00 »
Wardy, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it but once you're feeling a little better try swimming, it will help to rebuild the muscles that would have become weaker during your "rest" period but without forcing any strain. Also Pilates is very good for slow rebuilding and strengthening. Don't do anything heavy for a long time after you feel better, you may feel better but it will be a long time before you no longer run the risk of re-injury.
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« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2005, 17:23:02 »
« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 20:59:20 by GREENWIZARD »


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« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2005, 11:01:11 »
Tried Osteopath, he said use `ice` :o, Hospital Physio says use heat i.e.`hot water bottle` and stretching exercises which i did every day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and put me back out again!! >:(
MRI scan booked for sometime in May, 25 years of suffering and now they want to actually do some `looking` well aint i the lucky one.
The worse thing now is having a `Plotting` partner who thinks i`m being lazy, it's 0 degrees, snowing, sleet, wind freezing,,,,,,,,you can`t plant or sow anything, i have a family a job oh and a `life` be it a painful one but apparently i should be at the Plot today and every day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, OK rant over ;D ;D ;D ;D
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« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2005, 17:43:08 »
Looks like I have joined the club, or rejoined. I have a 'dead' nerve in my back and the muscles it controls are atrophying  ( shrinking due to lack of use). This is causing my spine to begin to distort and trap the spinal cord.
 I have a special 'corset' which I wear to keep my spine straight. I only wear it for a few days at a time then manage without for a few days.
Just occasionally the nerve kicks back into life and tries to get the muscles to move. Now we all know what happens when unused muscles suddenly move. It is, as I would imagine, like being stabbed in the back. This time I was bending over riddling some compost and in straightening up suddenly I think I have pulled a muscle in my stomach.
Fortunately I was able to walk very slowly into the house and get my back support fastened on, but now the garden will have to wait.
Gardening is the great leveller.


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