Produce > Under Glass

Germinating Peppers/Melons/Aubergines

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Help...  ???

Can I leave all of these in the airing cupboard to germinate - or do they need light as well as heat?

Sowed them at the weekend (plus three cucumber seeds), then had a first-timer's panic, ransacked the books... and couldn't find an answer to the dark/light quandry.

I don't have a propagator, so they are currently in nicely dampened compost in small pots/small seed trays and swaddled in clingfilm in the airing cupboard. Will they be happy, or have I condemned them to the sleep of the damned...?!

Hey, look at that, two '**' in damned appeared automatically! I was using it as a noun, not a verb... didn't mean anything naughty, honest  :o

That's how I germinated mine and it only took a few days. As soon as they pop up through the soil put them in a light sunny place.

have I got any hope trying to get them to germinate in an unheated greenouse.  They are in a seed tray with a propergator lid on too.   Does the lid double the heat or insulate against it ?  Now there's a quandry.

Thank-you... I'll leave them there and keep checking for germination.

Baggy - the books I've got say that best germination temps are:

a) peppers = 21C/70F
b) Aubergines = 20C/68F
c) Melons = ??
d) Cucumbers = 20C/70F (minimum) I don't think you'll have much germination success in an unheated greenhouse  :(

Apple Dumpling:
My peppers planted a week ago in an unheated greenhouse have germinated nicely.  ;D But I am in a the South West where it's mild.


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