Photo Gallery > Competition

Competition Question

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Same here.
Just wait till spring and summer, Dan may have to make two pages of names to vote for. There will be plenty of pictures then.

I read some remarks from people saying they are not the competitive type and thus are not participating, I find that a shame really.
Maybe the competition should be seen more like a show of pictures for all of us to enjoy.
One of them will adorn the home page for that month and we get to select it, that's all. Nothing seriously competitive in that is there?

I don't care if I get zero votes, (I guess that means I'm not competitive), it doesn't mean it's not a nice picture at all, just that another one was chosen as picture of the month.

So, all you non-competitive people, please do show your stuff. Most of us just enjoy seeing nice pictures and we get to show our own as well.

Ina, I quite like the idea of making a photo the front page of the month. Its just the competing thing that gets me, I use to belong to a camera club where you were encouraged to enter photo's in a monthly competition. On entering the competition a month later a judge ( expert ???) would comment on the photo's. I never liked some of the feedback they use to give, not just me but everyone. At the end of the day we take photo's for ourselves, as long as we like them who cares what other people think.
Maybe it is as you say, a way of promoting photography by the members. Its just when you get competitive you get comments like Garden Cadets as to his photo's not being good enough.So maybe I was a bit quick in saying I wouldn't enter competitions, but look upon it as a gallery showcase where everyone should contribute at least one picture.
Hope I haven't offended anyone with my comments.

Yes Dirk, I agree, I also see it more like a gallery showcase. Nothing and nodbody is being judged and there are no pictures not 'good enough' (hear that Richard?).

I must admit that I do get a warm feeling when others like my picture and say so. When I posted pictures of my lottie last summer and others posted nice comments under it, that made it even more fun.

All we are doing in the end is choose together a picture for the home page every month but most of all, show and enjoy.

Garden Manager:
OKAY Ina! You persuaded me.

Preparing Entry now.

Just too few to chose from thats all - didnt take many in february

Hehehe Richard.
I didn't take any pictures last month really. My snowy street was taken in March.

No one should feel bad if a foto's doesn't get any votes for picture of the month, it's not criticism, just that another one was chosen. We all just like to see pictures so we need to post them too.

Last month I got one vote for my picture, just the idea that one person thought that mine should be the picture of the month was amazing to me. I didn't expect any and it wouldn't have mattered.


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