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My jungle

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Lol Eileen  ;D

MB - you mean under her duvet? Now there's a thought!!
Emma - how many 'plants' does the clivia have? We had to split ours up last year - it had 5 separate bits - so only just getting its first new flower. = Tim

Mrs Ava:
Tim, my father in law gave me 3 plants last summer and he had yanked them away from the main clump and had left them in a carrier bag slowely dying for about 4 weeks before I got them.  I left them to soak in a bucket of water overnight, then planted up. I was amazed that within 4 weeks all three plants flowered.  One of the flowers made a big fat seed pod, so I left that on the plant to mature as I would like to grow one from seed, so that plant hasn't produced a flower, the other 2 plants have, and they are both producing off-spring, so it looks as though I will have 5 plants by the time they finish.  They are stunning flowers.  My father in law also bought some seeds of a clivia back from a holiday last year and I have them growing but of course, they are just tiny babies at the moment, but how exciting!

Garden Manager:
Hello EJ

What wonderfull plants. Love the bird of paridise plant particularly. Did you buy this as a plant or did you grow it from seed. I am trying to grow a couple from seed and I was wondering if you or anyone lese has any growing on tips. The seed has germinated and I have just the one (seed?) leaf on each at the moment. What should i do next and when? They are inindividual pots so no pr*cking out to do.


Mrs Ava:
Yup, grew them from seed something odd years ago!  So, as you can imagine, rather a lot of water has flooded under that bridge and I have no idea what I did!  All I can say is, knowing me, they didn't receive lots of tlc, and they have always been indoors.  They seem to thrive when cooler - they don't seem to like the stifling heat and don't do much in the conservatory over the summer, but grow like the clappers through autumn and winter.  So Richard, can you wait another 15 or so years before you get flowers?   ::)


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