Produce > Under Glass


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Garden Manager:
Ive put down 'plantex' (landscape fabric) and gravel down in my greenhouse. Well the gravel is under the staging and the path is made up of decking tiles (aka fancy duck boards). I thought this would make a nice comfortable path which could be moved if nessesary. 

The other side of the hose is just plantex covering where the border will be.

We've got pallets with the smallest gaps we could find (scavenging!) in our lottie greenhouse. It's like a treasure trove of lost possessions whenever we lift them up for some reason!

Paving is good absorbs heat during the day and releases it at night - but hard to get for free. Gravel also acts as a heat sink, plus the non sweeping is an added bonus.

Lady Cosmos:
I used landscape fabric and on top 30/30 tiles. Shells and gravel makes it to messy for me. Tiles are easy to clean, nice for the feet and in the summer they stay clean when cooling down the gh. with water.

wow am i ever glad ive found this site!!!!!!!!!im new to all this allotment growing and have just brought a green house was going to lay a concrete base but not after reading this so thank you all for saving me lots of mixing of concrete!!!!!now i can spend more time digging my plot cant wait to start growing!!!!!hello to you all my name is bongo and im from kent shall be useing this site a lot as it is full of now how!!!!!see you!!bongo ;D

Hi Bongo, glad you found us!! I am on the border of Kent, on the east sussex side! ;D


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