Allotment Stuff > The Basics

To Carpet or not to Carpet?

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here's my experience:
I got my plot early Autumn and did the carpet thing. Scavenged loads of carpets from skips outside carpet shops (with permission of course!). Plot was covered with weeds- mainly couch grass,dandelions and the odd bit of mare's tail (or horse tail- can't remember the difference).Had the carpet down for for about 4-5 weeks before removing to dig. Didn't find a single slug hiding underneath. On balance, am glad I did it- it did help kill the weeds and make it easier to dig but admit it was a lot of work dragging the carpets to and fro....but luckily another plot holder wanted them when I had finished with them -but they are really heavy when wet and not nice to handle. I see it as a one-off- as long as I keep on top of the weeding throughout the year, not planning to use again.

Garden Manager:
How about a green manure instead?  Too late for this year but you could try a winter 'crop' (eg fieldbeans or mustard) to protect the ground reduce weeds and can be dug in to improve ths soil in spring.

Not much good though for anexisting pernicious weed problem. Dont know what the answer thereis other than hours of hard diging to remove them (or chemicals - yuk).

We have loads of old discarded carpet under the soil near our shed and I can tell you .... its a bloody rotten to pull out..too intact to dig thru.

All for what ? nothing that Black Plastic cannot achieve

Please stop using carpet...unless for walkways its not big or clever.


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