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Pressed Apple Juice

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Does anyone press their own apple juice? I have been thinking of buying an apple press to make my own apple and pear juice. Can anyone recommend a small press for home use? How do you preserve the apple/pear juice once pressed, is there something you can add or can it be frozen successfully.

Mrs Ava:
Dunno Jess, but am looking forward to the replies.  As we have 2 apples on our allotment, and there are loads of fruit trees in the neighbourhood and the fruits all just go to waste, it would be great to harvest the juice.  Come on some one....some one must have a clue.

One of my numerous winter jobs away from my sort of farming was working on an orchard that was primarily engaged in production of 'apple cider' (non-alcoholic), as it is called over here.
Googling 'home apple presses' quickly brought up this:
There are probably others. Potassium sorbate is commonly added as a preservative by 'natural' food processors, including cider producers, but, because most nowadays is synthetic, it is not organic. Can you not just press it as needed rather than attempt to preserve it?

I tend to get a glut of apples in autumn (not this year though  :'() which don't keep very well so was hoping to make apple juice to store by preserving or freezing.

Have tried putting apples (bought) thru my juicer and results were tasty but not attractive - very pulpy and discoloured quickly, think it would need to sit and then strain - great deal of effort!  Also needs to be drunk within a few hours if I remember correctly.

this is an American site I think but interesting suggestions for preserving/using apples if you are lucky enough to grwo your own.


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