Produce > Recipes


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Hyacinth: you know Tim, I've never seen Bob dressed before, either  ;D  it's always been black leather and Zorro mask ......and never knew til tonight that his name's really 'Bob' either  ::) ::) ::)

Now Bob! Pleased you've found your way here....really pleased...found that an alternative to 'patties' was 'balls' - how do you feel about that ??? At my Gdg.Soc evening last Wed. the ladies really really liked them  ;D - Lish

Oooooops, made a mistake there then, how on earth did that appear, that`s not the rig for gardening I`ll be bound.  ::)
Sorry about that. Now Lish about your parsnips will have a go at both when I get the chance, hopefully before Christmas and can let you know the results if successful.
Bob :-[

The parsnip balls were nice - well...they all got eaten, anyway...mashed them up with some butter, added finely chopped onion, no chilli :( (cos some of the ladies were of a nervous disposition & I couldn't risk the sudden rush of blood to the brain they might cause) some grated cheese, some parsley & a bit of curry powder & used some egg to bind. Fashioned them into balls, firmed them up in the fridge & coated them with fine breadcrumbs & fried them..took along a couple of pots of home-made spicy dip-things. 8)

PS why can't we see you in your black leathers - have you seen EJ & Ava on their bike?  You, EJ, Ava, Jethro...there's gonna be a Biker Grove on Lotties soon - cheers, Lish

OK then just for you:
though I`m not wearing my leathers !!!

Hi Alishka,
First I would like to say "Hello" to everyone & congratulate you on a brilliant site.  I have learnt so much from all the tips & general chit-chat.  I have only had my Lottie since August, so I am very new to this game. I was particularly interested in your 'Parsnip Predicament' I thought I would have a look for some recipes just incase some of my crops should grow, when I came across a recipe for 'Parsnip wine' it is very basic, without the need for demi-jons & tubes & things.

5 1b peeled, parsnips,
3 1b sugar to every gallon after straining
1 gallon water
1 tablespoonful yeast

Peel & cut up the parsnips, & boil in the water until tender.  Mash very well. Strain through a scalded jelly bag without pressing.  Add the sugar, bring to the boil, cool, & add the yeast. Ferment in a stone jar, fill up with surplus liquid, & cork securely when fermentation ceases. Leave 6 months before bottling.

I have heard that jars & bottles are OK to sterilise in the dishwasher, would be interested to know if anybody else uses this method.
Jackie :o


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