Produce > Recipes


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Thanks Merv. We usually sow them in fungicide free wallpaper paste and pipe the germinated seeds into drills, but for the last couple of years the seeds have grown like mustard so we have not bothered. We had a very, very dry period just after sowing.
Strangely enough some peas which were sown at the same time and which failed to appear (mice we thought) have just started to grow now. Actually I did use a certain amount of hyperbole, 50% more parsnips grew than I said.

Mrs Ava:
oooo I can't wait until next year so I can start growing my own and sampling all of these wonderful recipes!  ;D

Well, parsnips back to the top, cos I've been making yet more parsnip patties tonight!! Lidl are selling huge bags of them for pennies...onion and rosemary this time..ahhhh! these parsnip patties are going to go on...and on...and on...they freeze well, too, I've found. And my friend's children like them! The boiling & mashing with this'n that takes away that strong...well...parsnip?...flavour. The parsnip dumplings were a success, btw. - Lishka

Hi Alishka, I`ve arrived. Find your topic on parsnips very interesting and worth a trial.
Regards Bob 8)

- if those are your gardening togs, which Royal Castle do you care for?? = Tim


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