Author Topic: Oh Poo!  (Read 1977 times)


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Oh Poo!
« on: December 07, 2006, 17:40:31 »
Hey guys,

Just in a bit of a pickle. I've been working at this company since april 2005. earlier on this year i had some family stuff happen and i ended up taking 81.5 days off in the middle of the year. Since i've been back....people there have treated me like crap really.....and aren't too nice to me.

So me and my bf got offered a job in a town i left my job because the new job people said it's now or never....and i wasn't able to give a month's notice.

but now i've been told by the agency i applied with that the company are no longer looking for people doing 9-5 but 10-7. i can't do 10-7 because the way the transport is arranged.....i'll have to leave the house around 8:30am....and wont get home till 9pm. and it also means that i'll have a day off somewhere in the week and my bf will have a different day off. and then we'll be working alternative saturdays aswell. basically i'll be out of 12 hours a day and i won't be able to see my bf for much longer after i finish.

so i either work myself into the ground and not have any life what so ever.....or be unemployed.

i know what i'm like...and i know i can't stick a job like that because i'll be exhausted. so i guess i am unemployed....and my bf's only doing 15 hours a week and bringing in £90 a week.

and i can't apply for JSA while i'm job hunting because i left my job. i have to wait 6 weeks to apply for that.



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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2006, 18:25:10 »
mate, keep your spirits up. stuff like this happens for a reason ;)
i bet my 1st crop of spuds that you are about to get an amazing opportunity very soon ;)
good luck!! :-*
'blood sweat and tears really don't matter, just the things that you do in this garden'


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2006, 18:29:46 »
Sod's Law? Regs are designed to run you into the ground?

Wish there was a helpful answer.


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2006, 18:38:17 »

Is it worth taking this job as a stop-gap and looking around for something else at the same time? 

At least you would be working, staying at home is so boring and will make you feel worse? 

You might gain new experience/skills that would make looking for another job that much easier. 

Just a thought, the right job will come along, hang on in there, we're all with you! :)

muddy boots

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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2006, 19:14:34 »
Panic not!  Once Christmas is over, there will be quite a few jobs coming on to the market.  Just look at this as a stop gap, as has been said before.

Try to look at these things as a progression not a recession.  As one whose CV over the years has included a huge variety of different employments but without too much hassle (never bothered to look at the negatives at the time, just glad I had a job) , I now have a vast array of skills, most of which are all much appreciated by my current employer!

You have years in front of view, it's all a learning and growing curve :D


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2006, 09:18:08 »
I am thinking along the same lines as tullipa and muddy. Could you hang in there for a little while until something better comes along? Even if it is a pain,difficult and tiring?

Good luck in finding a new job in the's out there waiting for you somewhere!


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2006, 09:48:17 »
are there any courses you want to take, pick up new skills
our son was in the same position last year, another opportunity, with another agency put him in the best job he's had ever
so, look for the open door, it's there somewhere, keep your spirits up   :D


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2006, 09:48:32 »
Wahaj,  if you have anything in writing about the job, ie an offer or similar, take it to your CAB.  If you have acted on the basis of a committment from them, they either have to honour the original offer, or compensate you in some way.  Worth following up while you look for something else.

The others are right, lots of jobs get released in January from Companies whose financial year ends in December.  There will be another wave in April from those aligned to the tax year, so if you have to stick it out, it may not be for long.

A word of caution for the future though, unless you have something in writing from an employer, don't do anything, until they commit in writing, it's all meaningless.

is it in the sale?
(South Cheshire)


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2006, 00:03:47 »
thanks for the kind support guys.

What i forgot to mention was that if i did do those would cost me over £20 to travel everyday....i think. or something ridiculous like that. and i've only £300 left. and this job pays monthly and they've done this month's payroll already so i won't get paid till the end of january....and i'll probably run out of money in a couple of weeks if i did take it.

I have no savings at all.....and the only thing we've got left that we can sell is the xbox. that won't fetch too much.....but we've sold everything else already. and if we sell that aswell....we won't have a life at all.

so i've rung round all the agencies today and hopefully they can find me something temporary like a factory job or something.

it's just that every xmas this happens. we end up with no money what so ever. my bf's dad is really very ill and i don't think my bf will be able to afford to go there this xmas....let alone buy them any presents. and it's my 21st aswell on the i can't do anything for that. and it's my mum's death anniversary on the 13th so i'm not too chipper right now anyway.

i know it's all lots of little stupid things....and that i'm basking in self pity......but i'm just venting because i took a chance to make my life better when i was desperately unhappy and i'm now worse off than i was before...and i can't see a way out.

i don't have anything in writing so i can't do anything about it. and i can't afford to spend time getting a course done.....cos if i don't get the job in the next week or so....we probably wont be able to afford anything what so ever.

*sigh* happiest time of the year and all that eh?

and the worst part is....i feel like such a failure because not only have i let myself down by becoming unemployed but my partener is suffering because of it too. and he's been through some hard times recently aswell.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 00:06:18 by wahaj »


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2006, 22:53:14 »
There is never a good time for these thinggs to happen. I am guessing you have this idea that everybody else is having that Xmas card  fairytale time. But it is just not true hon just keep on in there these things that are happening are not going to be for ever. Just take it one step at a time. Don't ever feel your a failure it is all a learning curve. Let us know how you get on.
x x x


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2006, 06:47:16 »
2 steps forward mate, 587 back.

There's something happening every day  @ &


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2006, 11:13:35 »
I agree with Meg. Yes life can be a bu**er (believe me I have been there) but the main thing is you have youth and health on your side so lets hope something turns up. This last week I have been thinking of my sister more than ever, I don't suppose she is looking forward to her usual Christmas family together having lost her daughter recently.
Take care. Lorna.


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2006, 17:09:18 »
Come on wahaj, let's have a bit of positive thought out there!!

My husband was made redundant eight years ago aged 57, after nearly 30 years service, and because of his age has not been able to get a decent job since.  We manage, not as well as I'd like, but we manage.

It's so easy to wallow in self pity, as I did when he was made redundant.  At the time it is very difficult, but life has to go on.

Remember, whatever it costs, it is always, but always, easier to get another job when you have a job.  Unemployed are looked on as second class workers, irrespective of their experience.

Try to start thinking more positively, ie I can and I shall.

You may be feeling in the depths of despair at the moment, but the only way is UP.

As Scarlett O'Hara said at the end of Gone With the Wind 'ah well tomorrow is another day'.  And it's up to you to make it better!!  Come on lad onward and upward!!

Give it your best shot!!


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2006, 17:30:02 »
Wahaj -- hi there.

First, I'm right in there with everyone who's saying 'hang on to that job till you've got somewhere else to jump to.' Valmarg is so right when she says it is always easier to get another job when you have a job.

Right... you need to get a bit of cash coming in to eke out that £300. Stop thinking of possessions you can sell (as you know all too well, they're a diminishing resource) How about skills you can hire out, or things you can make?

Think of stuff you can do (type, drive, garden maintenance...) and bung a notice in the newsagent's window; the local paper; wherever.

From your pictures (I know, I know, don't go there!  ;) ) you're very creative: how about getting a few designs together for postcards, greetings cards or stuff like that? Perhaps sell online, or ask someone at a market if you can nab a corner of their stall for a bit of a donation??? I know you've almost missed the Christmas trade, so this last thought may need adjusting.

Anyway, courage. The tide always turns sooner or later. One day you'll find you just aren't having to tread water so hard.

And here's my favourite saying: without which I would not be here posting this message:

Believe you can...

Believe you can't...

Either way, you're right.


silly billy

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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2006, 18:11:26 »
Having just watched a person die and leave behind a young child it tends to put things like money and employment into perspective.
My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility. Napoleon had that idea. He wanted to conquer the bloody world. I wanted Liverpool to be untouchable. My idea was to build Liverpool up and up until eventually everyone would have to submit and give in. Bill Shankly.


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2006, 18:54:00 »
thanks lorna, valmarg and triffid.

i don't have a job you see. i quit my last one to get this new job....and the new job rung and said they don't need me anymore unless i can do those precise hours. and also they required me to do occasional sundays. but one of the buses i need to catch doesn't rung on a sunday.....and it's probably about 10 miles of the journey atleast.

but yea.....i know it'll turn out to be ok. just that it was just before the weekend....and the job centre and all agencies are shut on the weekend.

and also people have been ringing me to ask what i want for xmas and stuff....and they were sort of hinting at stuff they want......but i had to tell them that there wont be any xmas presents this year. i feel bad because i know some people have already bought me presents and i haven't got anything for them.

i don't like accepting presents when i can't give anything in return. and some people i've told, are a bit upset about the whole thing i feel bad for ruining their mood....cos they're now thinking of sending me some money....even though i've told them not to.

i know it's all non's just how i'm dealing with this situation right now. i'm known to be a drama queen lol.

and sorry about your loss silly billy. i know it's a difficult situation to be i've been through it myself. but no matter how much you deny can't get anywhere without basic finances in this world. i mean i feel a lot better that i have loved ones around me.....but that doesn't change the fact that i still need to eat. and i probably won't have any money to pay my phone bill next that's gonne get cut off. and if that happens, i won't be able to speak to my sister anymore.

silly billy

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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2006, 18:59:33 »
You are right Wahaj and I hope your situation improves and I'm sure it will.One day you will look back at this difficult time and laugh.Things happen for a reason and I'm sure you will have better times ahead.Try and be strong.
My idea was to build Liverpool into a bastion of invincibility. Napoleon had that idea. He wanted to conquer the bloody world. I wanted Liverpool to be untouchable. My idea was to build Liverpool up and up until eventually everyone would have to submit and give in. Bill Shankly.


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2006, 09:07:30 »

I've only just seen this thread.

My thought is that you had accepted the job with the hours/days first described to you and  gave in your notice at your current job on the basis of these, to then at this late time  be told that the hours/days  have been changed to an extent that you would never have applied for the post in the first place - and that therefore you have a good case to apply for JSA, stating the reasons above.

Most certainly worth giving it your best shot.

Good luck!


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2006, 10:20:44 »
Hello Wahaj,

I don't know where you are up to with this - but the CAB suggestion was a really good one, because they often have specialist money advisers who can help you with the bills that are coming in - if you keep people informed, like your phone company, they will often negotiate different payment options to give you some leaway while you find work.

I know it can be difficult to make those calls when you are feeling low - but if you do it, you will feel more in control and that in turn will lift your spirits. 

And Christmas... it's a difficult time of year for a lot of people - just remember that anyone who cares about you will not give a SH*T about getting a present.  They will probably feel worse to receive something when they know you are out of work.

Good luck

PS I love the image on your profile - where is it from?


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Re: Oh Poo!
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2006, 12:51:02 »
Mini, that's one of Wahaj's, and I'd meant to put in my post that, with the talent he's got, there no need to not give presents.....just get those colours and paper out and give them all a Wahaj Original. Or pot something up? C'mon, mate, you can't be so creative and think of buying stuff :o 

 :-* Lishka


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