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The Problems ....

Started by Admin aka Dan, February 08, 2004, 22:32:33

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Admin aka Dan

Hi all,

Some people are still having problems accessing the site - some have not been able to return at all, and others are having intermittent problems.

So what I'm thinking of doing is,

Moving the site to a completely new host.  

I have not been very impressed with the ones I use at the moment over the past week, although up until then they had been fine.

This will mean a transitional period - hopefully planed and calm and lovely, but it may also mean a bit more pain before all is lovely again.

Love to hear your thoughts.


Admin aka Dan

Ragged Robin

 We'll follow you where-ever. Thanks once again for keeping us so well informed, it makes all the difference.
Happy gardening, Robin x


Dan, you must do whatever is best.  You are kind enough to email us with progress, so go for it.  We all enjoy a great deal from this site and would miss it if access were denied through a technicality.

Just let us know when you are starting the change and we will be patient!

Best of luck and thanks :)
Muddy Boots


Hello Dan,
Well, I am here tonight, though how and why tonight and not the others, I know not!!!!! Thank you soooooo much for helping (or at least trying to!!!) - my husband, as you might have been able to tell was running out of ideas and he does this for a living!!!
I will follow you(!) wherever you go and I for one, think it is probably a good idea to move lock, stock and barrel judging on the problems that I have had!
Many thanks again, espec. for keeping us in the know.
Dandy xx


Hi Dan,

I'll follow wherever you go.  Everything was fine this evening when I followed your link in the email.

Haven't been around for a while as I am a sunshine plot holder ::)



Hi Dan, I`ll go with the majority vote.  Cheers!  ;D


Hear! Hear!


Thank you Dan for informing me of the problems.  I got in tonight with a struggle but I am here.  Let us know if possible when you decide to do your changes.  
Thank you again.


Hi Dan,

You have a fantastic site here, and I wouldnt mind going along with any changes necessary.  Thank you for all your hard work in trying to resolve the problems and for running the site generally.

Well done!

Piglet  :D



Whatever you judge to be the best option. If you do change, perhaps this is a good opportunity to look at the funding issues again- I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to make sure that running this site isn't leaving you out of pocket.



Like everyone else Dan, really appreciate  all the work you must be putting into this.  Thank you for keeping us informed when things go wrong.  If you think you need to move the site to another Host for more stable service, it is fine with me.  Think it might be a good idea to look into funding as it would be unfair if you were out of pocket by running this.  Because of its popularity you should be "quids in" really.  Anyway do what you have to do Dan and we will follow you anywhere.  Love, busy_lizzie  :D
live your days not count your years


The postings before me have said it all. Having been a casualty of the lack of access for the whole weekend, I understand the nature of the frustrations.
This is the most impressive (allotment) gardening site I have come across, so I will certainly vote for any improvements, including a drink for the Admin!


  hello Dan what I was going to say Derick as just said, like him I have not been able to get on the site for most of the weekend and will go where ever you go with this brill site.
Richard       If it's not worth having I will have it


Just staggered in here after a day trying!

Confirming what I said in the mail, Dan. = Tim

Admin aka Dan

After today, when I for the first time since the problems began could not access the site, and got absolutely no technical support at all from

I will be moving the site.

At some point in the next few days the site will go into 'maintenance mode', at which point all the posts, usernames, private messages (everything really) will be transfered.

I shall then send an email advising you that the site is back online.

Thanks for your patience and support, and sorry that over the past few days I have not been able to respond to each email - I have tried!

Lets hope everything is sorted very soon (before I loose all my hair!)




Best of luck Dan, we will all be thinking of you and looking forward to accessing the site again! :)
Muddy Boots


- so that's who 'Easily' is?? What a contradiction in terms!! = Tim


Have only just been able to get in tonight Dan.  Sent you an email today, but certainly did not expect you to reply, you have enough to do.  Thanks for a great site Dan and good luck with the move - we will all be patient I am sure :) :)
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Dan, Thanks for the update, bet you felt as frustrated as we all have over the past week.  Glad that it wont last much longer. Can I also add my thanks to the others for all your hard work and also for keeping us informed on progress.  It is very much appreciated :-*
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.


Yo Dan

Whatever is best m8 and fair play to you... this is why this site rocks.... peeps are real and Dan shows us consideration and is top hat peep...

so when site is down here are a few suggestions where we can have a giggle till Dan gets back to us..

nice kind peeps in the above.....

also nice peeps.. and sum strange ones too but dont let that put u off..


huhtuhtuhpuh://  aka this place...

love this place I does



got an addy wrongy hence the edit...... letz rock and eat some sweets and drink red pop and get stoned on jelly

wtf am i on about.... the babble is back ::) ::) ::)

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