Author Topic: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)  (Read 187287 times)


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #100 on: February 06, 2006, 23:34:10 »

Message from J.R.P. Recycling, please visit my website as it was
designed by me to help to save millions of lives
and to reuse-recycle millions of tonnes of waste
plastic container,and unwanted wooden pallets

I've been following this with interest and listening to the descriptions of your ideas but when I visit your website your images (not the thumbs) are just too small to work out whats going on. Any chance of some bigger pics at the next re-write

Hi Glow 777,thank you for showing your interest in the way I do things.
Have you tried clicking on them to make them larger. John. JRP.

yep hence the "not the thumbs" bit in my text - seems like some very good ideas spoilt by poor presentation. Although the website design is also very good it doesn't deliver the content eg the pictures very well.

The full size pics (in the m/flash box) are about 335 X 215 dpi. I would think these need to be at least 640 X 480. Or is this just me?

Hi Glow 777 and Stuffed,I was hoping you could see enough in my photos I took of things,because if I did all of my photos at the size you are suggesting I believe that I would not get as many of them on my website.
If there is anything you want to know please ask me and I will tell you.
Thank you for trying to help me improve my website,but what you have seen has been done with very little website knowledge my self. John. JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #101 on: February 15, 2006, 23:13:47 »
As reported in our local news paper to day 15-2-2006.
For years the answer to one impossible question has eluded most men - what makes women happy?
According to a survey the answer is not flowers,or a gift,or a candlelit dinner but something far simpler and cheaper - RECYCLING.
Research by Lewisham Council shows of 2,000 women asked,65 per cent said they find their MEN SEXIER if they recycled.
Only a quarter of men in the borough recycled regularly.
The council is now URGING MEN TO BOOST THEIR CHANCES with the ladies by recycling their VALENTINE'S DAY CARDS and CHAMPAGNE BOTTLES.
What a load of RUBBISH my wife said,mind you I'm a RE-USER so I think this does not apply to me,or does it,I will have to try buying some flowers first,and maybe a gift,I don't know about a candlelit dinner,no I think I will tell my wife I'm recycling now instead of re-using,IT WILL WORK OUT CHEAPER. I can't wait for the upturn in my sex life  ;D :o ??? ;) :)John. JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.

return of the mac

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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #102 on: February 15, 2006, 23:34:13 »
Haha, sounds like the most ridiculous recycling initiative ive ever heard of- i think they maybe fiddled with the statistics... or the wording.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #103 on: February 15, 2006, 23:56:23 »
As reported in our local news paper to day 15-2-2006.
For years the answer to one impossible question has eluded most men - what makes women happy?
According to a survey the answer is not flowers,or a gift,or a candlelit dinner but something far simpler and cheaper - RECYCLING.
Research by Lewisham Council shows of 2,000 women asked,65 per cent said they find their MEN SEXIER if they recycled.

Were the ladies not thinking of just recycling their husbands? ;D ;D ;D


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #104 on: February 27, 2006, 20:49:23 »
OXFAM I'M IN ? are you.
Hi every one,OXFAM have asked me to tell you they need help to help millions of people in East Africa.
THIS MONTH,as the food crisis in East Africa worsens,OXFAM is responding in Ethiopia,kenya and Somalia by targetting food distributions,water and livelihood support to over 500,000 people.
Currently,they are trucking in 20,000 litres each week to people in Wajir,Kenya,who previously face a 60-kilometre trek to find water,or were forced to drink dirty supplies.

To find out more please visit OXFAM-I'M IN-the people's poll at,I've offered my help,if we all try to do our bit,I'm sure it will make a big difference to those people who need our help now. John. JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #105 on: March 04, 2006, 00:00:45 »
Hi return of the mac and Alishka-Maxwell.
I thought I would leave it a while just to see if anyone else had something to say about the sexy report.
I was not telling porky pies,it was a true report in our local free news paper. At least two of you thought is was funny enough to talk about,as me and my wife could not stop laughing when we read it our selves,which I thought I would share with all the people who visit my topic.
It just goes to prove there's nothing sexy about recycling or re-using something,when only 2 of you replied.
It was suggested I did a poll on the subject,should I ask,are you better at recycling at home,or are you better at recycling away from home,and how many times do you do it,I wonder how many people would reply to that ? ;D ;D ;D John. JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #106 on: March 04, 2006, 21:35:11 »
I love to read of your passion and enthusiasm, John. Congrats on your website, someone in this (long) thread remarked once, you think 'outside the box' - and that stimulates thoughts and ideas.

Regards, Lishka


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #107 on: March 04, 2006, 22:52:22 »
Hi Alishka-Maxwell,thank you very much for your kind wards they mean a lot to me,because of the way I am,I think as left me alone with my thoughts for a long time now,because I look at the way things are which I would like to help change,it would be nice if there were more people like you, at least you took the time to read about what I had to say before  deciding NOT to put my ideas down. May you and yours live long and happy.John. JRP.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2006, 23:16:39 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #108 on: March 06, 2006, 17:20:12 »
On your site it shows pictures of growing potatoes in milk cartons what sort of yield do you get from this size container?
I am growing in any container I can get my hands on in the back garden and want a few more for potatoes I may go down this route or the carrier bag route depending on your answer.


  • Hectare
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #109 on: March 06, 2006, 18:29:28 »
What a wonderful and refreshing thread! I agree with Alishka's choice of words - 'thinking outside of the box'. An example to us all of altruism in my opinion. Please keep going !
The impossible is just a journey away ...


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #110 on: March 07, 2006, 00:13:27 »
On your site it shows pictures of growing potatoes in milk cartons what sort of yield do you get from this size container?
I am growing in any container I can get my hands on in the back garden and want a few more for potatoes I may go down this route or the carrier bag route depending on your answer.

Hi Stuffed,if you put say one King Edward potato in you should get 5-10 potato's out,what I do if you have looked at my website photos is to cut the bits off where there are signs of growth,we eat the rest.
This time I've put 1,000 bits of mixed potato's into my 4 sections on the left side of my pallet allotment plot,in bottomless 2 litre bottles to see what return I get,I started sowing from the 10-9-2005 until the 9-2-2006.
Whilst people talk in lbs of potato's,I empty out my single containers until I have enough to eat,leaving all the rest in until I need them.
I will tell you and others now what I found out growing things in my containers,which must apply to every container used. YOU MUST NOT HAVE ANY WORMS IN A CONTAINER,as they eat what ever they can,just like they do in a compost container,plus if you do put some type of potato's in a container it can turn into a horrible watery slimy stinking potato,which I suppose the slugs and worms would normally eat in the ground or just rots away,thats why I use bits now instead of whole potato's.
NO WORMS I get a good crop,either way you can grow potato's,but my way you are in fall control of the water side of things,plus if I leave my new potato's in to long they will give me more new potato's,so I have in one container 2 lots crops from one lot of bits,and then I re-use all the old compost and old roots again to grow some more when I've harvested what I have grown.
I have no other problems growing my potato's the only thing is they are smaller because they are grown from bits,say from 50p down to 1p and smaller which I eat as if they were peas,cooked of course.
I put my bits in about 3 inches from the bottom cap,put in side ways standing up.
If there's anything else you wont to know please post again as others may wont to know too.
Thank you for showing your interest in the way I do things Stuffed,and to anybody else who is reading this message it wont be a waste of your time trying  the way I grow all my things not in the ground. John. JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #111 on: March 07, 2006, 00:18:38 »
What a wonderful and refreshing thread! I agree with Alishka's choice of words - 'thinking outside of the box'. An example to us all of altruism in my opinion. Please keep going !

Hi Curry,thank you very much,I will keep going because of you and others.
May you and yours live long and happy. John. JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #112 on: March 09, 2006, 23:02:32 »
I have thought about this system at length, and I can see its potential benefit in areas of poor soil, drought, waterlogging, erosion, rugged terrain...

I doubt the answer in the third world would be milk bottles, but the third world is full of its own waste and packaging. I have travelled extensively throughout the third world: Africa, Asia and South America and one thing I noted is that recycling is highly practiced. Many of the poorest collect anything recyclable to sell, and binmen tend to sort the rubbish as they collect, separating any waste matter that can be sold.

So while milk bottles may not be the item, I am sure that in most countries there is some such material that could be used as a suitable substitute.


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #113 on: March 10, 2006, 00:37:49 »
Hi Amphibian,thank you for showing your interest in the way I do things,why should there be a suitable substitute when we have millions of plastic containers going into landfill sites in the UK every day,when we could send them to the third world countries for next to nothing,so they can grow things to help feed themselves.
We have got a big problem with our waste,the poor people living in the third world have a big problem of trying to feed themselves. My system will help to solve both problems if used,and shown by people like your self who travel extensively throughout the third world,and you said recycling is highly practiced. So it won't be a waste of your time telling someone who does,to have a look at my website,you know what I mean.
Spreading the word cost nothing,just like my system.
YES,people have already said we should not add to other countries waste problems,but I'm not saying send our rubbish,I'm saying send them a system that works,and it will be of benefit value in many ways,and yes I'm sure there are poor people out there who will adapt a different way of doing it too,like you said. Just like I've designed my system to work vertically using canes. If you want to know more please post again.
May you and yours live long and happy. John. JRP. designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #114 on: March 10, 2006, 09:39:38 »
right, i'm sitting here with a kitchen full of milk bottles with their bottoms sliced of leaving the hinge, and loads of "ginger" bottles.

despite having a good look at the site pics i'm still lost as to which section to put the soil in and where to water.

any chance that you could post a step by step photo guide on here from the raw material stage to plant growing stage for just one unit JRP.

I'm already in love with the idea of using materials that would otherwise be tossed aside and i just need a few wee tips.

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  • Half Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #115 on: March 10, 2006, 11:41:31 »
Hi Amphibian,thank you for showing your interest in the way I do things,why should there be a suitable substitute when we have millions of plastic containers going into landfill sites in the UK every day,when we could send them to the third world countries for next to nothing,so they can grow things to help feed themselves.

Ideally I suppose it would mean people in those areas don't have to rely on the other countries and could help themselves rather than rely on charity.


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #116 on: March 10, 2006, 18:40:52 »
Hi JRP, Hi all,  :D

Just thinking aloud, no offence meant ...but ...

It may be that some countries don`t want our rubbish. We should take responsibility for that. Maybe other areas of the same country or neighbouring countries have containers that wouldn`t have to be transported so far. For example the UN ships millions of plastic bottles of water in a crisis what happend to the empties?

(I think I`ve finally found a way to source those huge water bottles that go on to coolers (cracked and chipped ones of course) for re-using.  :D

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  • Hectare
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #117 on: March 10, 2006, 18:59:35 »
i'd rather give them my "rubbish" to teach them how to be fishers of men, than pour millions of pounds in hard cash aid that can/is syphoned off to support corrupt governments.

i'm positive the people who these ideas are designed to help would welcome anything at all, even our old rubbish to improve their lot and if people listen to crazy Bob, then why shouldn't JRP try to help in his own way.

if i had my way, we'd not have the spare capacity rubbish at all.  we'd not have packaging that takes a zillion years to decompose and recycling stuff wouldn't/shouldn't be so expensive but if i hear one more drought, more more catastrophe, one more famine, one more plea for cash when there are ideas out there not being tried, then i give up.

just my thoughts like.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2006, 19:04:58 by MrsKP »
There's something happening every day  @ &


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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #118 on: March 11, 2006, 00:38:44 »
right, I'm sitting here with a kitchen full of milk bottles with their bottoms sliced of leaving the hinge, and loads of "ginger" bottles.

despite having a good look at the site pics i'm still lost as to which section to put the soil in and where to water.

any chance that you could post a step by step photo guide on here from the raw material stage to plant growing stage for just one unit JRP.

I'm already in love with the idea of using materials that would otherwise be tossed aside and i just need a few wee tips.


Hi Mrs KP,thank you for showing your interest in the way I do things.
I will see what I can do about the step by step photos,in the mean time I hope this message will help you and others to make my system work.
right, here goes,take one of your 6 or 4 pinters milk containers,turn it upside down and slide it onto a flat length of wood that fit tightly through the milk container handle space,the flat wood I use is from a broken down unwanted wooden pallet,which I usually get for free from a building site or industrial site. What you then do is to slide as many as you need along it so they are all facing away from each other on opposite sides,so they can self stand,into them you put some multipurpose compost,because you don't wont any worms in your containers,plus it's a bit lighter to carry.
Decision (1) to grow something in the ones on your carrying beam.
Decision (2) to grow something in another one of the same type which will fit inside it.
Decision (3) to grow something using your 6 pinters as your base row,to have 4 pinters inside them,with compost inside them so you can take them out with your crop in,without moving your base row of 6 pinters.
Decision (4) to grow something using your 6 pinter base row,with another container inside them,with a bottomless 2 litre bottle with compost inside them,which can be taken out so that its cap can be undone or done up to control the water side of things.
The way I grow most of my things is to re-use more container,done by using 6 pinters as my base row with the caps undone a bit if I'm not using it to grow something in,inside that I have a 4 pinter with the cap done up,into that I put a 2 litre bottomless bottle with compost inside that,and my seeds. When water is added to much I undo its cap to let some of it drain into the lower 4 pinter,when I need any water I do up the bottle cap and recycle the water in the 4 pinter until there's none left,or I can leave the bottle cap undone a bit so that the compost in the bottle draws the water up its self if I want to. that's my way of doing it,so put your bottle inside your milk container on a beam with some compost in and you have made my simple system,as shown on my website,OK. John. JRP.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2006, 00:44:52 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


  • Acre
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Re: New Recycling Ideas(I CAN? CAN YOU?)
« Reply #119 on: March 11, 2006, 00:58:46 »
Hi JRP, Hi all,  :D

Just thinking aloud, no offence meant ...but ...

It may be that some countries don`t want our rubbish. We should take responsibility for that. Maybe other areas of the same country or neighbouring countries have containers that wouldn`t have to be transported so far. For example the UN ships millions of plastic bottles of water in a crisis what happend to the empties?

(I think I`ve finally found a way to source those huge water bottles that go on to coolers (cracked and chipped ones of course) for re-using.  :D


Hi Columbus,thank you for showing your interest in the way I do things,I have used 4 of those huge water bottles on a wooden carrying beam to grow potatos in so it will work,Ok. I had to use a sharp saw to cut around the bottom though. John. JRP.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2006, 11:06:05 by JRP » designed to help save lives. John. J.R.P.


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