Author Topic: Help Wanted ....  (Read 10329 times)


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2007, 20:48:10 »
One little problem! I take photo's in RAW I'm sure there are some others out there who do as well. RAW is to digital photo's like a negative is to needs developing, sort of, most importantly needs sharpening at the very least from your description of what's allowed that would be excluded as it's altering the image!

I knew this would come along at some stage, Kea, and actually I expected it from a different source before now, but thanks for mentioning it, it has to be addressed at some point and it's a fair question, particulary with the rapid advancement in the Digi-SLR market, so a good point and one to consider.
 As you know, 'developing' from RAW gives the user a multitude of options as to how the final 'print' will turn out and there is a vast difference between downloading directly into 'My Pictures' as against dropping NEG's into 'Lightroom' for instance.
 I'm getting the impression that most A4A people don't own 'state of the art' camera's, or have the necessary software that goes along with them. Which leaves me, even before I've been given the job, with my first dilemma!
  However, I have already given this some thought (and other probably queries along the same lines), and I'm confident a solution can be found which will suit the majority of contributors but, at the moment I'm not in a position to say 'this or that' will be the new criteria. If I do the job, I'll get it underway in what I consider a fair fashion. From that moment I'll be open to comments, suggestions and constructive criticism and I'll make changes by listening to what people say and where we all think it's applicable if it improves the photo competition section.


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2007, 21:58:17 »
I understand that some people will be against digital enhancement of pics but...

1. All digi cameras take slightly soft pics which need to be sharpened to come up to the standard of film pics.

2. There is usually a need to boost colour saturation too, which can be done with film , simply by using a specific colour boosting film. So to disallow this digitally would seem a bit unfair.

3. If someone is developing their own film, they wil be able to manipulate the pics in lots of other ways too, so if digital manipulation is to be banned, then so should manipulating in the dark room.

cj :)


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2007, 22:38:26 »
I understand that some people will be against digital enhancement of pics but...

1. All digi cameras take slightly soft pics which need to be sharpened to come up to the standard of film pics.

2. There is usually a need to boost colour saturation too, which can be done with film , simply by using a specific colour boosting film. So to disallow this digitally would seem a bit unfair.

3. If someone is developing their own film, they wil be able to manipulate the pics in lots of other ways too, so if digital manipulation is to be banned, then so should manipulating in the dark room.

cj :)

Thanks for the info Carol'.
 It's going to be impossible to please all camera type users. The question of 'Film-v-Digi' will continue for some time yet, but I have to point out that the winner of the August competition used a point and shoot pocket digi camera and downloaded directly into windows without any computer tweaking what-so-ever and gained the highest percentage score this year. So it does show that direct down-load without manipulation can attract votes.
 The results of using a colour enhanced film in a camera gives a result that isn't to everyones taste but I see that as an acceptable option for the user.
 Developing your own film in a dark-room is a million miles away from today's computer enhancement software and let's not forget that either the negative or the finished photograph would then have to be scanned and unless were talking 'Publishing House' quality machinery there is something of a disadvantage with film.
 As I say, it's impossible to please all types, but if I do run the competition section I'll certainly try to organise it to suit all tastes, hence my comment previously in that I'll take on board all comments and suggestions.
 Many thanks for pointing out this additional side to the discussion. Much appreciated.


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2007, 03:34:49 »
So, has a decision been made yet?  ;)
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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2007, 20:52:55 »
.....hope not!!!!!!......

For me, as an all-time voter, the ONLY thing wrong is the lack of ease in finding the Competiton Board...........greater prominence, please, Dan?

For Dan, as owner/moderator/facilitator, the only problem is getting someone to take on his role as Administrator of a Competiton Board which is working well for both competitors/voters apart from the fact that it's hard to find   ;D

Other than that, my vote is firmly where my 'X' is......

Each month, I love to vote for the pic that most appeals to me taken during the previous month = simple as that.

I vote for keeping it as it is (but with only the suggestion that the Competition Board  is more clearly defined)

and I certainly hope that you, Dan, find someone who will agree to take over the running of it for you as it is - well, as it will be, given my suggested 'improvements'  ;D


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2007, 22:14:59 »
Although (so far) I have never entered a  photo for the monthly competition I always try to vote. Really enjoy the entries. I must admit when all this technical stuff is mentioned it just goes over my head, and certainly wouldn't consider my amateur
efforts for the competition. Hope it doesn't get too complicated for either the posters or the voters.
Good luck to whoever decides to help Dan.

Lauren S

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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2007, 22:27:06 »
If I knew where to find the comp I would vote. Plus I like the fact that no body knows who the pictures were taken by... anonnymouse is always fairer  ::)

Lauren  ;D
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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2007, 08:50:22 »
I like Ken's ideas for changing themes and categories and suggest he be allowed to have a go.  He's keen and will no doubt get feedback........

I also think the competition needs to be more visible.    The technical stuff is beyond me, a point and shooter.   A deputy/assistant sounds sensible too.
Obxx - Vendée France


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2007, 11:14:15 »
This whole discussion has come about due to Dan looking for someone to take a bit of pressure off him time wise. After a few days no-one had come forward so I thought I'd offer to help out a bit.
 There are those who are quite happy with the present way the contest is run and not to change anything wouldn't be a disaster. I just thought if there is an opportunity for change, then now is a good time.
 I'm still hopeful of more people coming forward with an offer to run the contest board, not all of us have the same ideas as to how best it should run. If anyone is willing to give it a go with other thoughts, please, please, come forward. This is a chance to give everyone a choice of the way forward.
 If I give a brief layout of how I would like it to work, then others might come forward with a different even better format.
 I would like to see a dedicated catagory headed 'Photo's'...In there would go 'Fun Pic's'..'Gallery' and 'Contest' etc.
 In the contest board I would like to see three contests running where we now have one.
 Theme one would be a pic where 'life' is the main theme. 'Life' would mean people, animals, bugs, birds...anything 'alive'.
 Theme two would be anything at all where 'life' is not the main theme or subject.
 This would then not have fluffy kittens dressed up as Santa competing aganst a pic capturing the second a volcano explodes...(bit OTT I know, but you get the idea. A furry kitten has huge 'Awww' factor.)
 These two 'themes' would be 'non-changing'.
 The third theme would be a changing one and one which would involve imagination as much as a good photo. The idea would be to give a phrase or word and that's it...from then on it would be for contributors to submit a pic which best suits that title.
 All themes would be voted on in exactly the same way we already do. Submitting pic's would be exactly the same apart from having to submit them singly if you entered more than one category.
 If I manage to get it right this would then mean three options to 'have a go' at and also mean, hopefully, that as one contest is ending, another is open to votes and the third is about to start...sort of a continually running contest.
 So, apart from splitting the themes there's not really all that much that would change.
 Well, that's how I would like to see the contest move forward. But again, I'm hoping for others to step-up and offer to help and put their thoughts on how they would run the contest and then maybe all those interestd would choose for the way they want any changes to take place.

Deb P

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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2007, 15:09:26 »
Sounds very logical to me! ;D
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2007, 00:24:13 »
Love your ideas Ken,

Sounds like fun ;)

You've still got my vote  :)
UNDER PRESSURE (constantly)


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2007, 14:07:31 »
Ken, you have still got my vote too.
I'm only sorry I haven't got the time to help. I am only able to dip in and out now and then as I am sure you  realise.
Good luck anyway.
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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2007, 15:24:49 »
I endorse what I said previously Ken.  Your ideas are great and I think would suit all abilities. I think I am a bit long in the tooth to help with all the technical stuff but you have my wholehearted support ;) :)
Happy gardening all...........Pat


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2007, 19:11:27 »
Thanks all. Check out a (suggested) test run at...

Go to the bottom of the page and find 'A4A test Photo area'.
How easy it to follow the layout? Suggestions?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 19:55:18 by kenkew »

Deb P

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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2007, 11:36:27 »
I liked the three catagories, also the idea that the comments are on a separate thread post vote. My only suggestion about the test site would be to group the votes and comments together instead of alternating, I think that would work better.

I liked the 'whoops' theme, and the idea of themes in general too!
If it's not pouring with rain, I'm either in the garden or at the lottie! Probably still there in the rain as well TBH....🥴


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2007, 12:35:02 »
Good point, Deb.P but that can't be done. As with other threads, on here and elsewhere, as an additional entry is made, that thread will move to the top of the board.
 I thought that comments could go in the same thread as the votes, even to put the winner in the voting board, snag is, the voting board has to be 'open' for people to vote and there-fore would be open also to comment and I'd prefer comments about the pictures not to be made until after voting so that others wouldn't be influenced.
 Thanks for your feed-back. Here's hoping for more. If this goes ahead I would hope it's as people wish, and if it does go ahead I'm hoping there won't be too many moans, after all, now is the chance to offer suggestions.


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2007, 11:05:46 »
Still sounds good to me  :)
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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #37 on: October 11, 2007, 21:38:32 »
I think maybe you should just try out your ideas live for the next competition and then any wrinkles can be ironed out later when we all see how it works.

Go for it!
« Last Edit: October 11, 2007, 22:23:29 by kenkew »
Obxx - Vendée France


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #38 on: October 12, 2007, 11:22:55 »
looks good to me, kk..I've got a piccy for the september comp raring to go  ;D


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Re: Help Wanted ....
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2007, 14:52:24 »
The suggested format must be of interest, there are 3 other sites I know of that have people who visit here and who have 'borrowed' the idea and introduced it into their sites already!


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