Author Topic: Maybe I am stirring  (Read 4673 times)


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Maybe I am stirring
« on: March 28, 2004, 15:03:32 »
But just this once I do not care,I have just seen  a posting on `another place` suggesting that a new gardener should go by the book and not hearsay-for sure some books are good and some `lore` is a bit off the mark but what can ever be better the the wise advice of folks that have been there and tried it?.

I am in my 27th season and still learn from others much more than I get from books.


Mrs Ava

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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2004, 15:08:25 »
oooooooooooo (says in that kinda high pitched voice  ;))  I agree Stephan, books are great for pretty pictures and ideal world situations, but for me, it is verbal word of mouth everytime.  If it isn't you crowd, then it is my gramps.  I have stacks of books, do I look at them.....ahem.....atishoo...sorry, just blew the dust off them  :-\

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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2004, 15:56:24 »
Exactly right. You can read books, study at college, search the 'net (other than a4all) for all you like, at the end of the day there is no substitute for practical hands on experience of others and your own trial and error.


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2004, 22:02:33 »
You heathens!  Illiterates!  

How can you possibly treat books so?

I need them to replace the fourth leg of my coffee-table!

All best - Gavin

Hey - and books make good compost too!  :) :) :)  Pity that the cyber-stuff is not so useful!


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2004, 23:25:37 »
Well, of course, quite a bit of the `lore` that one hears from old timers is wide of the mark - usually it`s been passed down by previous old timers, none of whom had any real understanding of why a particular practice had developed, or in what circumstances. I still hear such `wise` statements as "laurels poison the soil", or "fuchsias will not flower until the roots fill the pot", "if the rose didn`t die of rose sickness it`s quite safe to replant another in the same spot", or Titchmarsh`s howler last year "If your hydrangeas are pink your soil is alkaline, if they are blue it`s acid".  Unfortunately, quite a lot of the books don`t seem to be much better.

However, there are quite a few aspects of horticulture that you can only find out by experience if you also happen to be a chemist, a physicist and a plant biologist at the same time - the differences in NPK values between farmyard manure, pig manure, and garden compost are not discovered merely by experience (still less memorised), and it`s an unfortunate gardener indeed who has discovered from personal experience all the symptoms of all the trace element defiencies or excesses and how to remedy them. Indeed, even the owners of well publicised web sites have been known to be unaware of the differences between root and stem swellings, or photoperiodic responses in potatoes.

So whatever your opinion of The Boys Own Book of Gardening For Beginners, there will be times when you will wish you had a few really good books on the subject.


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2004, 08:34:26 »
That got him going, Stephan!
1. Instant info - however innacurate. You are the judge.
Where else could I find this??

2. Proven fact - germination temps & times/heating requirements for a greenhouse/as said, analyses etc.
3. Emma's pictures. Informative & inspirational.
4.Read them anywhere, not just in the 'office'.

1. One 'professional' view.
2. Cannot cover everything.
3. Can't argue with them!

Life would not be the same without "How to make money from an Acre"; "Grow your own Food"; Amateur Gardening Pocket Guide".
But, as said, a book can't cover every nuance of a subject.  With 10-20 views this board, plus gramps, can.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 08:53:03 by tim »

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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2004, 13:13:28 »
Hi Kenkew /Tim,

You ask; I'd be interested in your compo mix, thinking of doing some myself this time round,and Tim you ask how do you get them so short-jointed? Gro-Lamp?

I am surprised you come to me for such advice, ::) particularly when my experience is mainly from `lore` that I have heard from old timers, which, apparently can be quite wide of the mark

Apparently  this is down to the fact that the information has  usually  been passed down by previous old timers, none of whom had any real understanding of why a particular practice had developed.

So you see I don’t know if I can help. 8)

Perhaps that is why I have had a number of failures this year!  ???

For example; I took 185 Chrysanthemum cuttings and only 183 rooted.
With my first batch of 45 Fuchsias only 44 rooted.
Then there were the tomatoes, I sowed 10 varieties 10 seed of each, and only 99 germinated.
Then there are the two varieties of Calabrese I sowed 25 of each, and only 49 germinated.

Can’t understand the reason for this?, perhaps it was those new fangled F1 hybrids I sowed, I might have been better just using that three year old packet of seed I found, at least they all germinated. >:(

Then there is the fact that I am not a chemist, physicist or plant biologist , and when it comes to NPK values between farmyard manure, pig manure, I haven’t a clue, I have enough on with my a,b,c’s.  :-\

However! I know a man that does, but then again he is old, so perhaps I would be better off not asking him and read a book.

Talking of books, like Gavin I have found a wonderful use for one of those ‘Expert’ books, it props up my PC monitor, and now the light from the window doesn’t reflect on it.

Clever people those experts! And to think I thought of that myself and I am old, perhaps there is a chance for me yet.

Perhaps my senility won’t let me down again. I might even get to know more about ‘swellings’ other than ones I get after my ‘viagra’  :P

Yep! It on my Christmas list………… The Boys Own Book of Gardening for Beginners.  ;D

Sorry I have been unable to help, perhaps someone more Expert than me can help you.

Must go now, I am totally kn*****ed after writing this, it really takes a lot out of you...............well I am OLD   :'(

The Gardener

Mrs Ava

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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2004, 13:24:53 »
 :D :D :D :D :D


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2004, 13:42:53 »
Gardener - see my book knowledge has done me far more good than your years of experience - I sowed eight seeds of one tomato variety and nine have germinated!  ;D

Actually I dispise these expert books so beloved of a certain someone we won't mention. They only give the basic growing advice. Pretty much what it says on the seed packet. THe only way I've found them useful is for identifying diseases. I do like reading up on things in the books, but I don't just take there word for it. (especially not the book that recommended Parrot's Feather as a good plant for a small pond!)
gone to pot :D


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2004, 13:52:44 »
- on SOME seed packets? But they ARE getting better - especially Unwins.

And Big G - if, in passing, you're getting at me - don't k.....r yourself over that - 'ducks' backs' & all that! = Tim

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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2004, 16:57:56 »
Would I do that Tim?  ;) ;D

The Gardener


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2004, 17:31:46 »
no way i could get nearly confused enough if i just looked at my books, much better to throw in a bit of 'old timer style' advice to keep me awake at night worrying about my broad beans!!

as many information sources as possible for me, the advantage of books is that i can still enjoy vegetable related information in the bath!


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2004, 17:59:53 »
he he legless!

I tend to keep them for reading in bed as I find I drop them in the bath - great inspiration.  I'm going through a major Bob Flowerdew crush at the moment, and companioning everything - just a girlie phase probably.

The benefit of having real people who can say, I did it this way and it worked for me, i.e. A4A posters, I find incalculable.  You tend to work out pretty quickly whose advice will probably work best for you anyway.  I just love it when certain posters start talking technical - is it just me who wants to sit at the feet of gurus and absorb wisdom?


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2004, 18:16:44 »
Why does there have to be a conflict. I own a very large number of books on garden matters. they range from very basic to very abtruse. And yes I have read them all and yes I have found many interesting and useful pieces of information. When I first started I was advised by an old timer and worked for a professional nurseryman and was fortunate enough to be able to go on lots of courses.  So what you may ask?. All that background knowledge has allowed me to look at what is written and said and to decide for myself what is the best practice for ME in MY situation. And yes after 30 odd years I am still listening and reading and thinking. It is equally wrong to dismiss the pronouncements of the 'experts' in print or over the garden fence.
Gardening is the great leveller.


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2004, 20:05:21 »
Conflict? What conflict?
Each to their own - and there's plenty of choice there? There's good in both worlds. = Tim

PS Ceri - it's just that lovely hair that gets you?


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2004, 20:53:37 »
Variety is the spice of life.

I love books, and I also like to seek advice from those among us who can speak from 'gardening' experience, BUT we all live in different parts of the country, slightly different weather conditions, different soils etc etc...

sometimes it's all down to good luck..  why worry??

I've got my fingers and toes crossed that all my babies will grow strong ...

Debs ;)


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2004, 08:48:10 »
Tim, you've got me all wrong - - its words that get me...... adventitous roots, photoperiodic responses, rooting through the hypercotyl.  Ooooh all that knowledge.  The way to this girls heart is definitely through technical knowledge!  Doesn't have to be gardening either - anyone who has expert knowledge on something does it for me.  I can listen to my bestest scaffolders discussing transoms, kN per m/2 and BS standards all day - mind you a good pair of shoulders doesn't go amiss for me either!!  But hair - no, distinct lack of hair for me NGOH, but his shoulders are fab!!!


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2004, 09:11:06 »
Bob Flowerdew's hair sends a shiver done my spine - but not in a good way - it's really more of a shudder. I think I have a slight aversion to his hair. (there's also something about his slightly smug grin in the pic in GW magazine. shudder!) But language like that would certainly find a way to my heart!
gone to pot :D


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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2004, 12:26:43 »
Ceri - don't know what you've been reading, or what degree you got - but, if you can spell/pronounce all those whatevers, you don't need him! = Tim

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Re:Maybe I am stirring
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2004, 14:22:45 »
I think i agree most with Erics wise words. You look at books, ask 'old timers' and other experienced hands, read A4all etc then make your own conclusions based on your plot and own experience.

Books and similar reference material are only guides not rules to be followed strictly

Re. Bob Flowerdew. Decent knowledgeable chap. Shame about the ponytail!  ;D(My mum would love to take a pair of shears to it too ;D)
« Last Edit: March 30, 2004, 14:25:01 by RichardF »


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