General > The Shed

Its great to get out

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  As one or two of you know some kind person stole my car last weekend, for the first time since this setback l have made it up to my lottie today to do a bit of digging.  Just to let you know its great to be back in the groove again.


Ah Richard, what a bummer. I'd lend you my brand new transport bike if I could.

Glad to hear you got to the lottie today Richard!

Had to tell Mimi off yesterday for sending all those gales from Wales, which are still here!  Souwester weather here! :(

Sorry to hear about your car Richard.  Like you up to the allotment today, but weather conditions not very good, gale force winds, although very bright day.  :) busy_lizzie

Feel virtuous after doing a bit of digging. Lovely sensation. Too cold and windy to do much here, could hardly stan up till mid afternoon. Potted up a few plant divisions and found the Fritillaries have begun to grow so moved them into the Alpine House. Joy


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