General > The Shed

It's's coming!

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Mrs Ava:
Yup, gone 6pm tonite and it was only just dusk!  I really notice the light on a Tuesday as Tuesday night is swimming lesson nite.  We have been going in at 4.15 and it is still just light, but by the time we come out at 5.15, dark.  Last week we noticed it was still just light, but tonite, amazing!  Still really bright, and by the time we got home just before 6, it was kind of dusk like.  So...spring is coming, the crocus's are in full bloom, the lawn looks like a shag pile carpet, and the days are getting longer!  Hoorah!

I noticed it last night too EJ, and for exactly the same reason, coming out of swimming lessons! We remarked on how we could still see stuff, and I thought to my self same as you..YIPPEE!

Spooky girls- universal swimming night on Tuesdays then!!! And we all thought the same thing - do do do do, do do do do! Must be all on the same wavelength - gardening time, here we come!
Cheers all -
Sally 8)

Garden Manager:
Certainly seems as if spring is coming. The garden had a certain 'feel' to it today. Only feb I know but it almost felt like spring already. A certain scent in the air if you know what i mean.

It certainly is-I am a little bit SAD(well anyone that knows me would just say a sad case)but these past few days the cat is smiling again.



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