General > The Shed

One has to smile???

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For days now I have been searching for some trays that sit on a heated propagator, both sheds turned upside down,everycupboard in the house ransacked(and there are quite a few)-Jenny had not seen them.

Today I finally found them in a plastic bag hanging from the garage roof,"hurrah!" I announce to Jenny-----------

"oh yes, that`s where I put them last Autumn""

It`s true folks :)



Stephan.......there's one in every household, but not always female !!!  ;)  ;D

If only, as I've said before, we would all LABEL everything - at the time - when it is planted or stored. Even all those connecting wires with their transformers - for every sort of disused electronic gadget. You must know what I mean.  Even the stuff in the freezer?? = Tim

Wonder why it is men can never find things where they left them ;D

unless of course, you are Ceri's Dad - in his shed (a wooden verandah thing he build down one side of his house so its quite big) not only does he have little boxes with labels on for each size screw etc., he has hooks on the wall for each gardening tool, with its head shape drawn on the wall so he puts them back in exactly the right place - it really makes us laugh and we take the micky something awful, but then go to our own sheds, fall over every tool in there except the one we want!  Its the National Service training from the 50's I think - it's never left him - he can still tie a sleeping bag up smaller than anyone else on this earth - and get more in the boot of a car!


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