General > The Shed

do you ever find yourself...

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my personal control freak exercise is spelling (headteacher parents!)  I can't go past a sign, whether it be a greengrocer's "tomatos" or a full size poster without the itch to get a red pen out!  You would be amazed how many spelling mistakes you can find out there - and how irritating they are!

all those with the urge to tidy up and weed are most welcome here ;D


I often find if I have had a day weeding that I become a bit obsessed and have to stop myself plucking out weeds from grass verges and at the edge of paths etc. I just have this compulsion to pull weeds out wherever they are, including peoples gardens. How mad is that? ::) busy_lizzie   :)

Mrs Ava:
Okay, so this makes me odd.  Nope, I can honestly say I don't really ever get the urge to weed other peoples plots, have enough to do on my own.  :o  I do admire peeps gardens, good or bad, because even in a neglected patch a little gem could be lurking.

cannot help deadheading, and yep, oz, have planted goodness and joy in the form of a few egyptian specials (our own hybrid, we call Cleo) of cannabis in appropriate places.


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