Produce > Edible Plants

groundcover herb

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I've got a purple sage bush that's low and mound-y, unlike my regular green sage bushes which are tall, but can't remember how many years it took to reach the circumference it now has - poss. 4?  It doesn't die-back and lose its leaves in the winter, also, as the 'common' sage does.

If you plant hoping to deter cats with eventual cover, think I'd plant my this'n'that. and in between plant with something like pulmonaria - lungwort - soldiers & sailors? - pretty variagated leaf & blue and pink flowers from early spring. They clump up beautifully for me, but can easily be pulled up & moved when other things start spreading. I find it really useful. - Lishka

Thymes are the best!  And so many varieties.  As Lish say, Pulminaria is gorgeous but slightly tempremental (sp) about where it will grow and seed!  Cammomile is another but careful with feverfew, very prolific but can become a menace! The curled leaf parsleys aren't too bad and, being in SE myself, know they survive through the winter as do the others mentioned above!  Another worth trying as an experiment is the trailing rosemary!  Marjoram produces a nice mounded plant although not strictly ground covering.  Come back to the start, creeping thyme is the very best for ground cover!


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