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Rose Bush

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Thanks Eric, I don`t agree they all have thorns, just like they don`t all have a fragrance/perfume, and some are more resistant than others to diseases. Thanks for the tips. I think a bit like you that they are too prickly most times, but then it`s not me who wants them, it`s my partner and she does`nt have much of the garden to use anyway, as I pinched most of it for veg and fruit.
Bob  ::)

Oh OK Bob, spect you've gotta do what a man's gotta do. I'm with Eric on this one,tho, 'cept, when I was in Oxford in the summer and roses were cascading down over the walls? Wonderful. But why not give her a present of hedging roses - rosa rugosa are they ??? - then she can make rose-hip syrup and I bet someone here will tell you how to make wine out of them, too..yep! the scenario's shaping up nicely -  ;) Lish

Garden Manager:
Rose Suppliers:

How about 'Peter Beales' roses. They have a good website selling their roses.

Or what about David Austin, for more modern/shrubbier roses?

PS for good looking but tough shrub roses, Rugosas are good. Only come is magenta or white, but have good foliage, autumn colour, disease resistant and like all soil types (even shallow chalk -  thats why i like them). Pr*ckly as h*ll though!!

Thanks Richard and Lish.
Am leaving Roses with my partner to sort and order etc as she`s the one who wants them, so have directed her to the sites recommended on here.
Bob :D

I like Roses. I like Roses. I like Roses.

In other people's gardens where I don't have to suffer for them!


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