Author Topic: Go sisters!  (Read 1858 times)


  • Quarter Acre
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Go sisters!
« on: March 04, 2005, 13:11:27 »
Next week (tues 8th March) it's International Women's Day.  I wanted to take the opportunity to ask what women have impressed and inspired you?

I'd have to say my Mum (and not only because it's Mother's Day on Sunday!) because she's independent and strong and principled.  I'd like to be more like that.

I've also recently been really amazed by what I've heard about Wangari Maathai - she won the Nobel Peace Prize last year for her work planting trees and promoting democracy and well, so much more!  (see for more info about her work)

So, who do you think deserves a mention?  Ellen MacArthur?  Margaret Thatcher (?!) Princess Di?  Delia? I can't wait to hear what you think!

Anyone for Pumpkin Soup?


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Re: Go sisters!
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2005, 13:24:09 »
A very dear friend of mine MRS OLIVER who recently passed away.  She was a very impressive lady who did a great deal for charity and helped all people from different walks of life . knitted tirelessly for 3rd world children to cloth them and many many other things, but we do not read or hear of these wonderful people on TV or in newspapers.  She was a great inspiration to me when i was bringing up my 3 children always there to help and she had the biggest heart.
I know you may be looking for names like Maggie Thatcher but Mrs Oliver was an even bigger name and much admired woman to me.


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: Go sisters!
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2005, 13:29:45 »
I'm not especially looking for big names, Rosebud.  If anything, I think it would be brilliant for people to introduce us to the remarkable women that the rest of us don't know.

Mrs Oliver sounds lovely and someone who gave a lot of herself.   I'm not surprised she was so important to you.
Anyone for Pumpkin Soup?


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Re: Go sisters!
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2005, 18:11:06 »
My mum.  My mum is now in hospital with a broken hip which she sustained in hospital.  She also has dementia.  I have to care for her now as she cared for me, especially when our father died when I was only 12.  My mum could do absolutely anything, apart from swim!  She has always inspired me and still does.  Just when I think she's not communicating she does something to let me know she's still with me.  She keeps saying so-so over and over again - only she can't say it properly and keeps saying sho-sho but I know she's speaking to me.  So-so was her nickname for me when I was little.
Ma took on an allotment when she was 65 so she could grow her beloved roses as she had no garden with her flat, and she grew all sorts in it and it gave her much pleasure.  So yes, my ma is my heroine. 
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Re: Go sisters!
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2005, 18:51:49 »
Thank God for every day that we don't suffer. Or make others suffer.


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Re: Go sisters!
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2005, 22:43:43 »
It has to be my mother that I have most admired.
Many of you will have known that she died in October at the age of 94 years.  She was a little frail old lady to look at but her inner core was pure steel.  She developed Alzheimers over ten years and in the end couldn't communicate, nor recognise anybody and was doubly incontinent. 

You might think that would lead her to being vulnerable, undignified and uncouth but quite the contrary.  She had a inner grace and dignity even during the most personal of situations.  She was strong and stubborn until the end, and made her feelings felt however difficult it was for her. The Staff at her Home said she was a very determined lady despite her disability.  She was born to a very poor family and used to sell vegetables on a barrow from her father's allotment on the Streets when she was young.  They scrambled over the pits heaps during the depression to get coal for their fires and scrimped and made do like everyone else during that time when times were hard.

 As a mother she was totally unselfish.  She had a gentility though that belied her background, she never cursed, drank or gossiped.  Her manner was gentle and her voice soft - a true lady.  I am very proud to be from her stock.  She was a strong gentle woman who retained her dignity under extreme circumstances.  I know it is a cliche but to me she really was a very special woman.  :) busy_lizzie         
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Re: Go sisters!
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2005, 15:16:39 »
Nelly who hangs about the bus station ain't a bad sort, she will do anything for 10 bob.


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Re: Go sisters!
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2005, 23:00:51 »
There are so many women deserving of a mention.  You mentioned Ellen McArthur.  I have nearly finished reading her book and I think she is amazing.  To spend several hours up her mast fixing it down near the Antarctic, she must have such courage and inner strength to have got through the hardships she suffered, and at such a young age.  I am not good enough at putting it into words but I have been amazed reading her book.

My husband was taught by a lady who was also my guide leader.  We both have tremendous memories of what we learnt from her and she has influenced both our lives a lot.  She is still amazingly active in her 70s now.

I have worked in hospitals and seen the most amazing women - doctors, nurses and patients who could all be mentioned for their bravery, dedication etc.  This has really set me thinking now but I won't go on any more, I would be here all night!

Mrs Ava

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Re: Go sisters!
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2005, 00:37:37 »
Well, I had to think long and hard on this one......  Thinking, who, other than my mummy had influenced my life, and I couldn't think of one!  She made me the person I am today, gave me the chances in life, let me take the risks, and was there to catch my fall and kiss it better.  She has been dealt a few rough cards along the way, the worst being my lovely dad leaping off this world and into another after they had been together for 30 years, but still she marches on and now she is working part time in a house with autistic teenagers who need care.

Big grown up me, at 34, still call her when I want some advice, have a question, or just wanna bend her ear about something.  Of course there are lots of women out there who I admire for their bravery, strengths, sportswomanships, skills and so on, but to name the person who has influenced me the most, well, has to be, every time, my old muvva!  ;D


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