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veggie lables

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The price of plant and veg markers are shocking! over £2.00 for a pkt 50 little labels >:( So i had some throw away plastic plates, the picnick kind I cut them in 1/4s, then stapled them on to some small ornamental pallings that were falling to bits, I pulled the pallings of first ;D they looked OK, and you can read the names nice and clearly, the plates were 99p from my favorite cheap shop!

They're a lot cheaper on eBay.

I use old venetian blinds, plastic or aluminium they work really well, just cut to size, hundreds from 1 blind.XX Jeannine

Ah, that reminds me that I picked up an old venetian blind from our local dump for exactly that reason; just in time to get it out and try using it.

Otherwise I use empty cream and yoghurt pots, cut into strips. The few bought labels I have go into bleach as I pick them up, and can be used again.

I've used cut up milk cartons this year.... saved a few quid if nothing else... something to do in the winter when you can't get outside in the evening...


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