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--- Quote from: betula on November 04, 2010, 15:46:52 ---The way we are going we will be saying The Workhouse is acceptable 

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Come on... there's a BIG difference between the workhouse... having enough money to run a car to visit friends... and feeling everyone has the right to regular cinema, theatre and carriage driving trips on other people's salaries... 

When the economy is strong, it's not a problem; but many of us have lost our jobs and have had to tighten our belts to survive, perhaps others are just waking up to the fact Labour have left the country in heavy debt.

Like Poppy Mole, I believe a lot of hype is created by media, and those who need to money will justifiably get it, but those who have been working the system to gain a nice little life thank you on others salaries, will find they can no longer do so.

I agree that, as a society, we should protect the most vulnerable, but surely families have a responsibility here too? And surely, just like individuals, governments should live within their incomes and balance their books?

e.g. Much as I'd like to take the family on holiday, I know we can't because  there isn't enough money to make ends meet. I know how good a holiday would be for all of us but it's out of the question. So we don't go. But go to the park and play football and go on the swings because that costs nothing.
(Edited to say: I made this up - it is just to illustrate the kind of thing I mean)

Many families care for their vulnerable members at home. Putting someone in a care home shouldn't mean that they cease to exist as far as their family and friends are concerned.  

Sorry I realise that this is only one aspect of this whole question but - and I say this as a left-wing liberal - this government has some very hard decisions to take. The problems were not, in my view, solely caused by the previous government but to a large extent by world events, but the effect is the same.  Before Thatcher we had a strong manufacturing industry which no longer exists. The Chinese now supply much of what we buy. Regeneration will be hard. We can no longer expect things to be as they were before. We have an enormous deficit to be repaid. Over time we are all going to feel the effects of the cutbacks and I think there will be many more before things get better. Let's not continue the blame culture. There are some good government decisions and some not so good ones. I think we all need to stand up for what we believe in and start a much greater dialogue with our representatives so that they become more aware and more proactive. But let's not be confrontational. There is no black and white but a great deal of grey.


--- Quote from: asj on November 04, 2010, 12:06:28 ---Have to agree with Mat.


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Same here.


--- Quote from: lewic on November 04, 2010, 12:23:04 ---
--- Code: --- perhaps weekly cinema, theatre trips and carriage driving are a luxury...

--- End code ---

I am shocked and depressed by comments like this. ....... And tax the rich til it hurts!

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So, as I understand it, you're quite prepared for people to be hurt.  But you'd like it to be someone else.

I'm out of work right now, as a result of this recession.  My much reduced income is still taxed.  I don't think it should be spent on subsidising "Jos" and his carriage driving.

£22 a week to run a car seems a bit cheap so I'll guess we all pay for his road tax, the modifications and replacement every three years or less.......

Sorry folks if it matters that much to the family put a bit in the kitty each and pay for it yourselves rather than asking others to pay for it.

Though the carriage driving would be provided by a charity so he doesn't actually have an 'expensive hobby' in that way.


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