Produce > Under Glass

Greenhouse heating

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i have electric-the first year i had the greenhouse i had paraffin.
without a doubt i would plump for electric again.
i find the temperature control much easier-just set the required one on the heater and leave it to it. the paraffin requires a lot more attention and i couldn't stand the smell! - how do you manage to like it, EJ?!  i could smell it as i went past the greenhouse=instant headache!
yes, initially the electric requires effort and time to set it up, we have a seperate circuit for outdoor and a buried special cable. it didn't take that long really.
also, when you have the electric out there, you can use it for lighting and propagation.
i suppose you pays your money and takes your choice!

Mrs Ava:
Ooooo Kerry, I love the smell of creosote, tar, petrol, almonds and chanel number 5!  ;D

Garden Manager:

--- Quote from: Kerry on November 16, 2004, 11:17:55 ---also, when you have the electric out there, you can use it for lighting and propagation.

--- End quote ---

Ooh thats a good point. Shan't be able to use my heated propagator out there will I? B****R  >:(

Have to put it in the conservatory then.  ;D

They dont kick me out of the house that easily!

Heat? In a greenhouse? OK - we have a heated bench for propagation.

Chanel No5 - that was my mother's favourite!! = Tim

Garden Manager:
I have been doing a bit of thinking (dangerous i know!).

Our climate is pretty mild down here, temperatures dont go much below freezing even in the coldest spells. Also the plants i want to overwinter in the GH dont require heat to grow just to keep them alive. (fuschias etc)

Perhaps if i wellinsulate the greenhouse  i could get away without much heating, having say a parafin heater as backup for the coldest nights, and when I am growing from seed?


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