Author Topic: oh dear - my first ever letter!  (Read 27531 times)


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2009, 18:29:50 »
I agree unwashed, it is one thing to maintain your plot but if you want to do things properly, with no weedkiller and digging out roots properly it takes time, it's better to take it slow and do it thoroughly but if you don't keep on top of it then that't another thing.

Re the comments from Mrestofus I think if you look carefully you'll notice that Mrestofus is very similar in posting style to plainleaf2, he who left after making allegations of pornography planting in a respected members inbox.


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2009, 18:37:20 »
In the winter months you should never get a letter, I thought GG comment was nuts but it seems there's a few trying to compete.  :( :( :(


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2009, 18:48:42 »
we've had a few new people take short cuts, weedkiller and rotovating, the rotovators have given up as the weeds just come back tenfold, it looks good for a couple of months then is frightening, take it easy and don't kill yourself, if you try to dig with a bad back, you'll hurt yourself, take care  :-\


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2009, 20:33:30 »
I know what you mean Elvis2003 - it's no good complaining about the work, if it's too much, then it's too much, and you should take a smaller plot. I am doing okay though, it's definitely a plot I can manage.

The ground I've cleared, I'm keeping weeded and growing lots of crops. And my health is getting steadily better, so in future years it will be much easier.

I would show you a photo but it's so long and narrow, it doesn't photo well! It doesn't look amazing, it's only around a third in crops, 2/3s in a medley of brambles and couch grass.

So I can see the inspector's point! Also either side are plots which are completely unused, taken on at the same time. So the overall effect is depressingly grassy.

But having had an allotment for years, I think that slow but steady works ok. It's not a wasted plot, I promise!


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2009, 21:30:13 »
pigeonseed it is not us you need to impress these facts on it is the council and the inspector.
 ps how big is you plot.
reddy the so called respect member you are referring to insulted the other member and only stoped when she was threatened.


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2009, 22:44:21 »
Mrestofus why not say that it was you, as plainleaf2, rather than the other member?
Your threats were despicable, and I wonder why you're still allowed to be a member here since you're such an offensive person.
Flighty's plot,,  is my blog.

I support the Gardening with Disabilities Trust,


  • Quarter Acre
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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2009, 04:05:12 »
Flighty because  the issue  has no relevance to this thread.

 Repeated provocation
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 04:08:51 by mrestofus »


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2009, 14:37:57 »
Oh the inspector's on his holidays and has no idea how often I'm planning our conversation!  ;D

There must be lots of people who also received their letters on Christmas Eve, and will all be similarly ranting/raving/gnashing teeth while he munches on his left-over turkey and watches repeats of Only Fools and Horses.  

I know I've got to stop thinking about it, but at the same time I know myself well enough to know I won't stop going over it for the next week!  ::)

I can't remember the size of the plot. It might be 7 rods. But the letter is tucked away upstairs next to sleeping children.

I'm going to try and think of something more positive, like next year's plans.
Thanks again everyone!


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2009, 15:03:23 »
hey pigeonseed
 like some of these posts say get on to the concil after the holidays,i am sure they will take onboard what you say,imust agree winter is a stupid time to be sending out non cultivation letters
 anyway good luck with your plot,and a little at a time and you will get there


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2009, 01:29:59 »

Hi PigeonSeed - and a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!
And nice timing (NOT) Hasting BC !  :-X

I'll look like a clay model of myself when i get back.  ;D

maybe you should send the inspector a photo of you as a clay model! Only joiking !!  ;)  ;D

I haven't done any "work" on my plot for about a month or more now, apart from tidying, I can't do anything else as like your's it's on heavy clay and the ground is soaked. So I've found this time of year very frustrating as I want to get on with work on the plot but basically can't.

Is there any way you could cover some of the offending areas up with tarps / plastic sheeting / cardboard? That's what I've done  :-\

I have a rough 3 year plan, and have been slowly but surely clearing and growing stuff on my plot, I've now clocked up 2 years, and still have an area I will be clearing this year. But then I'm on a self managed site, they know me and can see what I've been up to. I'm sure when you have a talk with the council you will be able to sort something out

I'm going to try and think of something more positive, like next year's plans.

That's the spirit!
Take Care


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #30 on: December 28, 2009, 13:52:22 »
Thanks 1066, it's comforting to know you're also still clearing your plot.

Sorry you're not able to do as much as you'd like - it's boring waiting, isn;t it?

Can you be doing anything else like making any structures? In the main growing season it's hard to find time for stuff like that. Or maybe you've already got all of that sort of thing sorted on your plot.

Inspite of my own advice to take things slowly, I did end up digging too long yesterday and did my back in - not too badly I hope! Lots of stretching today to stop it seizing up (is that how you spell it?)

Is there any way you could cover some of the offending areas up with tarps / plastic sheeting / cardboard

Yes, I think you're right, even if only covering some patches, it would help make a good impression. I can't buy anything, but I wonder if any shops have anything useful they throw out normally...


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #31 on: December 28, 2009, 14:06:36 »
I think that because allotments have become popular, Councils are having trouble keeping up with the demand.  Six years ago, when I retired, I got mine with no wait and not many rules and regs, in fact the allotment department in the Council was useless if not non-existant, when someone left.  On our allotment site some plots that have become vacant are being split into smaller plots, which I think is a good idea.  I have a vacant plot next to me and it is not easy to keep a tidy plot with all their seeds blowing onto mine.  I went to my plot yesterday but it was cold and everything was wet so not much point doing any work at this time of the year, but when the weather is better will get digging and OH is keen to get the rotavator (yes, we like it) and motor mower out (I hope).  Some plots are really overgrown and the allotment holders very rarely come, so they are the ones that deserve letters.  Think it is really, really stupid to send out letters before Xmas, do they expect you to dig in the snow.  Joe Swift hasn't been seen on his allotment for ages, so he will get a letter soon, so you are not alone.  My plot is a bit of a mess but 'will try harder next year'.  I think it is a good idea to make sure all the allotments are used but the Council has to use a bit of common sense.  March and April and we will all be digging like mad and planting, don't they realise it gets dark early.  Good luck to you.


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2009, 14:27:40 »
Joe Swift hasn't been seen on his allotment for ages, so he will get a letter soon, so you are not alone. 

So you'll be in good company then PigeonSeed  ;D  ;D  ;D

I could be doing structure thingies - but where I want to put my shed, needs some more clearing and levelling, and then the OH to come and help me. To be honest I've been waiting that long I might just buy in some help! I know he's busy, so can't be too hard on him, but I NEED A SHED !
And beathe 2 , 3 , 4 .......

From what I've heard I think as long as the council see some change (positive) then they'll back off. I guess it's a matter of hacking the brambles back, digging up what you can and trying to smother what you can't.
Have you tried freecycle for tarps etc? That might be worth a shot?
I got that black weed supressant stuff (that is reeeallly cheap and doesn't last very long but does work ) last year from Lidl and ESK, and used that all over the place, and did planting holes. Gave me more time to concentrate on other areas while killing the couch off.

Hope you had some nice smellies for Christmas so you can relax and warm that back up !!


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #33 on: December 28, 2009, 16:19:27 »
Which plots are you on?

I think the man dealing with Hastings allotments is quite reasonable, Clive someone or other I think, but don't quote me on that. My plots are not 100% cultivated yet, but the big push will come this spring when my youngest goes to school full time.

Trying to think where you can get some covering from.... I've used all sorts on my plot, empty compost bags, can weigh them down with plastic milk bottles filled with water, have used empty bin bags for small areas, carpet and even an old rug, doesn't look pretty, but does the job.

Don't do too much in one go, or you will scupper your back and won't be able to carry on.

Take care, Corinne.
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  • Hectare
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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #34 on: December 28, 2009, 16:26:22 »
I can't buy anything, but I wonder if any shops have anything useful they throw out normally...

If you have a large supermarket near you it might be possible to get the advertising banners they use.  Once the 'offers' have finished, they get rid of them, usually into a skip.  They are made of strong plastic, about 3ft. wide and of varying lengths.


Walsall Road Allotments

allotment website:-


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #35 on: December 28, 2009, 19:34:15 »
Have you tried freecycle for tarps etc? That might be worth a shot?
I have! I put a request in today.

I think the man dealing with Hastings allotments is quite reasonable, Clive someone or other
It's him! Glad to hear he's reasonable.    ;D I'm on Pauls Field, what about you, Corinne?

If you have a large supermarket near you it might be possible to get the advertising banners they use.
That's a fantastic idea! Maybe they will let me have some of their Christmas ones.

I think there's a problem though, I have to chop down brambles, and mow long grass, before I can cover with plastic. Otherwise it will look VERY weird! And probably not improved in appearance at all! He might think there's someone trapped under there!  ;D ;D

I've got shears and secateurs, so that's slow, and I always feel I might as well dig it all out with an azada, instead of cutting the grass that's the approach I've taken. There were a couple of people who said they could lend me a petrol strimmer which could cope with brambles but I never saw them again! I never see anyone - I don't know when they go to their plots. Maybe they garden by moonlight?!


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #36 on: December 28, 2009, 20:53:49 »
Be borrow, steal or rent a petrol brushcutter (not strimmer) or something frightening like an Allen autoscythe (cxomplete with its rather "retro"attitude to health and safety).... Get those brambles knocked down and some weed mulch over it.... you're not letting them grow even more, you're making you're plot massively different to the neighbours.... You can plant pumkins and squashes through the mulch (push some manure in there too if you can) next summer to supress even more, by the time you get to actually breaking it all in  there'll be hardly any weeds left....



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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #37 on: December 28, 2009, 21:43:57 »
I'm on Fernbank, where's Pauls Field? ??? I haven't a clue where that one is....

The supermarket sign idea is a good one, hadn't thought of that ! ;D
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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2009, 00:06:01 »
I must say that I can start to see the difficulties that the plot inspectors have.  On one side there are people desparate to have allotments and on the other people trying their hardest to get a jungle under control.

Hopefully the letters are just seeking evidence that things are in fact moving onward.  So if people see untidy plots they can also be shown letters stating that they are being sorted.


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Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2009, 14:07:19 »
I'm on Fernbank, where's Pauls Field? ??? I haven't a clue where that one is....

Pauls Field's between houses on Old London Road and Ashburnham Rd, the gate's off Mount Rd, where there's a little row of shops.

What about Fernbank? I see from the HBC allotments page, it's off Old London Rd as well! I never knew it was there!

I see on recent council plans that there should be allotments behind the builder's merchants nearby, but now it's being used as their storage yard!


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