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Crop protection

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Thanks Shirlton. Any idea when Wilkies get theirs in stock. Are you going to patent it. ;)

They have them in now

Thanks Shirlton. I will look out for them when I next go.

Bumping to the top-Shirlton wandered if construction of new ones has commenced very eager to have a good look.
My raised beds are 22' x 4' the arches are 4'7" wide and wandered whether you think they could be bent to fit 4' also at 22' long how many arches would I need?  :-\ would I get away with buying 3 which would give me 6 hoops, hope you don't mind me asking

If they are the same as  the ones I got from WilkinsonPlus online a couple of years ago, the way they're constructed gives you three hoops from three arches since each arch is a double hoop held together by cross pieces. You could create single hoop arches by glueing the sections together or getting some nuts to fasten off the bolts that would normally screw through the hooped sections into the cross pieces but I'm not sure how strong the result would be.

I've used mine for netting brassica. I built the arches to about 5ft high and had no trouble  bending the bottoms inside my 4ft wide beds.

Now what do I do with the left over straight bits? :)


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