The Show > Veggie Show

A disappointing response

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I know perhaps it is early days in the competition, but I am a little surprised at the lack of entries in some of the categories, especially the vegis.  As a non-allotmenteer I was looking forward to seeing all the lovely produce you hard working peeps have produced.  Come on all, lets have something to judge when it comes to the polls ;) :)


I've still got a few to enter, sweetcorn, runners, marrow. I may be lifting to maincrop spuds as well but that depends on the weather a bit.

I have loads of stuff though that I will not be harvesting yet, wrong season. Leeks, parsnips, sprouts, etc.

And there have been loads of stuff that is long finished, braod beans being a prime example.

Maybe we should have a spring, summer and winter show?????

I also suspect not all of us are lucky enough to own a digital camera making it easy to load pics to the site....


I would dearly love to join in and so I spent most of yesterday following the instructions for posting an image. I can't even set up a "holder file" on my desktop. I keep telling myself I would not give up if this was a cauliflower (my bete noir - not grown one yet - but I will) but it all seems too hard.

Please don't get me wrong - I am not being critical, just looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labours.  As I said before, not knowing about these things I reckon the timing is maybe not right for some of the vegis.

Chantenay - if you are having difficulty I am sure some of the experienced people here could help you if you explain exactly what the problem is.  You can always PM if you don't want to take up the main threads.


GG I shall be posting if the weather allows!! Was picking sweetcorn in the midst of a thunderstorm yesterday. Took a whole selection of photos, roasted up all the veg, and of course when I went to download them they were all blurry!! We ate the evidence! :'( But will try again! ;D


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