Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Slug Traps

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Sorry to perhaps dredge up old territory, but having read several of the messages on this message board, I have concluded that the use of slug pellets is undesirable, but sometimes they are used out of sheer desperation.
I read somewhere (not my own idea alas) that a convenient slug trap could be made from an old margarine tub with a hole cut in the side and filled with a spoonful (or thereabouts) of pellets. The tub is then placed where required with the lid on. The slugs are retained inside, which prevents them getting eaten by birds etc and makes disposal far less disgusting (a carrier bag works extremely well). I am not plagued by slugs :) and so have not had to resort to this method, but has anyone else used this or a similar technique?

How would you lure them in? Are they actually attracted to slug pellets?

I'm plagued by slugs, but don't use pellets as I don't want to kill my birds and frogs!

I use the beer traps.........much to my hubbies disgust.....waste of good beer he says! Have heard that you can also put milk in, but the thought of clearing that out......yuck!  I make my own traps out of various contraptions, those yoghurt pots with the cereal containers on top, work well with a few holes cut here and there.( Could use these for pellets, they say pellets are already baited so the slugs are attracted to them) Hand picking at night with a torch (and rubber gloves!) seems to be the best way, but don't go out in bare feet and tread on one! Darn things are stickier than super glue! and the biggest help for slug removal is of course  a pond full of frogs, and a garden full of birds!! Good old mother nature :-)   Dottie P.

I mostly use pellets under fleece or mesh, or in a trench - I love birds, too. Although they do say that birds won't eat a dead slug? And they don't like blue, anyway.
If they're not under cover, I just put a slate over.

And they do say scatter 3-4" apart - don't put in heaps. = Tim

gavin's website has link to an article that if I remember rightly says something like when you put slug pellet down, they kill the first slugs, then the poison leaches out, leaving very tasty dogfood type stuff that slugs adore so just attracts more!  There is a link to gavin's sight on his list of internet links on this site.


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