Allotment Stuff > The Basics

New lottie owner

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Just got my first lottie this week and can't wait to start growing things :). I wanted to post a piccy of it but couldn't work out how ???. Hubby came to look at it this week and noticed that the trees on one side of it(it's an end plot) would shade some ot the lottie. He's made me all worried now and i'm worried that nothing will grow there. It's been used up till sept last and still has cerely and broccoli growing there.

Any advice grately received :)


Jo, mine is bordered on 2 sides with trees! But you have to remember in the summer the sun is higher, and you get part of the lottie in the sun, usually! Mine looses the sun at lunch time, but I still manage to grow most things! And my runner bean row is right on the end of my lottie so it doesn't  uneccesarily shade anything else.
Enjoy your plot, something will grow! and beware, it is addictive :-)  Dotti P.

agree with DP - My garden (I'm not lucky enough to have a lottie) is in total shade for most of the day this time of the year, but in spring and summer it's in the sun for most of the day.

and welcome to the board!

Hi Jo,

Maybe ask your neighbours what was grown on that part of the allotment before...but then of course crop rotation best practice normally means you shouldn't grow that same crop there again this year!

If it's shady in summer, probably best to avoid tomatoes,peppers and such like as they like lots of sun.
I'm sure you'd get a reasonable crop of most other stuff.

If the trees are deciduous, there are crops that can be started in autumn- Gavin's page has a great calendar to show you

you could always try some green manures or sacrificial crops that won't be very productive but may draw the pests away from the good stuff.

I would recommend sowing crops that dont like full sun i.e. lettuces etc. in that area and using it to your advantage.  

I have a shady spot on my plot and thats where I plant mine.

Best of luck


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