Allotment Stuff > Locations and Sites

Great Yarmouth and Gorleston Allotment Association

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the vote was for secretary/treasurer but the winner had already said she only wanted the secretary part not the treasure so the ballot should have been for secretary only & the treasure should have been advertised to the rest of the voters & another ballot.

But all said we have some new members on the committee now so all is looking brighter for the future
I will see what the future holds

the meeting reflected their management skills admirably! In the future meetings will be well structured, informative, democratic and a bit more enjoyable.
Thanks to everybody for turning up, and especially those who voted me on to the committee!
rgds, Tony

Patrick King:
Yes it was a laugh, seeing how they done the meeting. Shame he still the treasurer! was true what the man said about the cheque book tho, needing Two signatures.
tony can you remember who got voted for crablane?

Again congratulations Tony.

Ronnie Huggins and Ray Johnson got elected for crab lane site. Thanks for your support, mate!

Patrick King:
so ronnie is secertary and ray on commity?


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