Allotment Stuff > The Basics

Raised Beds

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Garden Manager:

I mean instead of straw or shavings

Ive just found this article on manure if anone is interested

Dont laught Doris  it can happen.  When i first started in our new garden 18 months ago,I dug new beds and the soil was desperatley in need of a bit of well rotted manure.  Just happened to see a sign in the local vets 'Well Rotted Manure'  free to collectors, enquire at reception.  They did ask where I was putting it, in borders or in veggie garden, as they didnt recommend in the veggie garden because of what was potentially in the manure.  This puzzled me so I asked what could be in the manure other than the obvious. Apparently the manure was from the stable where they kept ill horses and there could be anything from steroids to antibiotics having gone through the horse and ended up in the manure.I did take a couple of trailerloads to beef up the borders but stopped after finding a couple of syringes and needles and two scalple blades :oI telephoned the vets surgery to inform them and they now have stopped people collecting it.  Shame  :-/but much safer.

Ooh!  Whoops!  Clanger or what?


Sorry Kate missed you question about the racing course.  To be honest, I havent got a clue,  :-[ not a horsey person.  Now if it was motor bike racing :Dother half is avid fan and knows most of the bike courses.  

Hey Muddyboots, could it be Bangor Racecourse?
Here is link just in case  ;D


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