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Digital Picture Frame

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I want to buy a digital picture frame as a present for a friend.

I don't want to spend a fortune in case they don't like/want it. On the other hand I don't want to buy a cheap, cheap one.  But, what should I look for when buying it?  Is it to do with the resolution and the formats you can use on it?

Many thanks if you can help


I don't know a thing about 'em, Chloe, but you might get some idea from this site.

Seems to go on screen size first off. Not cheap things are they?

sorry cannot help but I would love one and have decided to wait as I,m sure prices will come down. my son has one and tells me you just load a memory card through the pc. has it got to be a xmas pressie? bound to be more expensive this side of christmas

laura G:
Hi, i have just recieved a flyer from Jessops, it has a 7" digital picture frame from £99.99 down to £49.99. dont know if it is any good, just thought i would let you know. Website is


I have had one for a couple of years now, you just plug your sd card in the side and watch the slideshow. The resolution does not matter as the pictures are just for viewing. Try and get one that takes all types of cards. The jessop one is the cheapest I have seen at that size in the shops, but you can get a good deal online. Watch out that it does not just plug in your pc like a lot of them on ebay.

I paid a fortune as I first saw them at the 2005 ideal home exhibition and I wanted to surprise my wife with an unusual present.

If you are thinking of getting a new camera soon, have a shop around. I was told that some stores are giving small ones of them away with new cameras. I have got oh a new camera for xmas and I was offered a good one for £25, so the parents of the new grandchild will have it for xmas.


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