Produce > Recipes

Ingredients from the Garden/Lottie

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At the end of my first year growing, I've realised that :

...........the more we've grown, the more we eat.............

..................the more we eat, the fatter I get..................

..................... the fatter I get, the more diffficult it will get grow more next year.

I have asked Sainsbury's to get me some "hindsight", so I'd better ask them to get me some "discipline" too.

Colin - When the hindsight arrives can you send me a bucketful please :-)

It's definitely going to take some discipline  :-/ for me to do what I have to do on my tiny plottie in the corner of my garden this winter - namely take down the once ramshackle greenhouse that came with our house and rebuild it to my own requirements - which includes seating it on better foundations. I am only 5 ft 4 and I have to stoop at each edge of the path, so I think it's time for some proper brick built foundations incorporationg beds, which the glass and aluminium frame can be attached to on top. Customisation here I come ;D. It's an exciting prospect, but it's going to be hard graft and I can forsee a bit of swearing and broken glass!! I have decide to build a coldframe adjoining the base of the greenhouse on one side, too, so my building skills - which are pretty decent for a girlie - will be pressed to the limit and much reading of my Collins DIY bible!!! ;D ;D ;D

Then, the recipes............. ohh, my mouth is watering, as I am 90 - 95% vegetable, sorry veggie :D! I will be getting all the ingredients above started off, also hope for squash next year and better leeks. Has anyone else got recipes they've managed to grow this year?

Love, Palefire


Try simply roasting all your tomatoes, squashes,courgettes,onions etc,etc,etc  with plenty of home grown garlic of course. Sometimes the simplest things are best.

Absolutely B-B, we have that at least once a week, and as many as eight different veggies at a time - including loads of garlic.

Y u m m y      Y u m m y


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