Produce > Wildlife forum

Stop the pigeon...stop the pigeon.....

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Mrs Ava:
Chewing the fat with old Jack on the plottie this morning, he was moaning about the pigeons munching his greens.  The funny thing is, his whole plot is covered in netting, almost like a gigantic fruit cage, but the pigeons, who must really be hungry, desperate or cabbage lovers, have discovered that if they sit their big fat bums on the netting, it sinks down and they can graze at the lovely young tips.  Oh Jack isn't a happy bunny.  Air rifles at dawn I fear! ;)

Pheasants are just as good at that as pigeons. And big fat White Sussex hens are even better!

I had exactly the same problem with my broccoli - the pigeons would sit together on the nets until they sagged and they could reach through to the seedlings. What I've done this time is add a large (6 foot) pole in the middle to create a big-top tent type effect - takes more netting but has been effective so far.

I get away with vidio tape strung from 3ft canes across my lottie find if I twist tape it hums and shimmers in the breeze and pidgeons dont like this.
Still have to find a way for the catterpillers which have found the cabbages. Gardening is such fun
Eric you have White Sussex hens I am sooo green with envy they are beautiful what are their eggs like?

Mrs Ava: tape old cd's work as well?  I am using them to keep the birds from yanking out my onions and so far so good. Also, they make good labels - I used a bamboo to mark my row, then tie a cd onto the top of the pole and write on it in permanent marker.   ;D


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