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Our final goodbye

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Mrs Ava:
At 4.30am this morning, my mums wee bijon frisse, Kizzie, finally gave up strolling on this mortal coil after 16 long years of being spoilt rotten.   :'( She had had a full life and was blind, deaf, and struggling to walk and within the last week had really gone down hill.  Mum had come over to stay with us for the weekend and Kizzie, as usual, had come to play, and she had spent a great day on Saturday with all of the kids.  They all said goodnight to her, and mum and I sensed she wouldn't be there in the morning.  Mum and I sat with her stroking her as she eventually slipped away.  

Sleep easy Kizzie.


At least she had the people she loved beside her when she passed on.
I know how you  both must be feeling as I still can't say that I'm finally over the death of my beloved old "Blue."

I hated it when people said "Och well it was only a dog after all, not one of your family, just buy another one." It really made me sooooo angry  >:( Dogs are part of the family for goodness sake aren't they?

My condolances to you, your Mum and  to your children.

Love Eileen. :(

Rest in peace little Kizzie.

Oh EJ how sad - I had a lump in my throat reading your message.  Sounds as if Kizzie had a wonderful life.  I do hope the children aren't too upset.  Have been through it quite a number of times myself and it never gets any easier.

RIP Kizzie :-* :-*

RIP Kizzie.

hugs to you, mum and family.

EJ , I am so sorry to hear about Kizzie.  It is such a loss even though Kizzie had a long and happy life and was much loved, It is a very painful thing to cope with.  Lots of love to all of you. busy_lizzie  :(


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