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Gavin hit the nail on the head - it is in the form of an e.mail purporting to be from Microsoft. It contains information about supposed Microsoft security updates.
As mentioned MICROSOFT DO NOT DO THIS so don't open ANYTHING  with their name on it. Once into your computer and e.mail system it then uses your address book to spread the virus.


Thanks for the warning Eileen, much appreciated!  :o :o

Garden Manager:
Must be quite a new one, as I havent had any warnings yet from Symantec, as i did the last couple of times.

How bad is it supposed to be and what does it do?

I dn't think it is new - it's at least a year since I first got one (?); but it's not one of the "virulent and vigourous" b.....ds that spreads like wild fire.  Just slowly and gently, so as not to attract too much attention - or maybe MS are vigourous in stamping it out.

But a real nasty in my book - trading upon people's trust.

All best - Gavin

someone told me about this virus today have a web addy for it will go find it and put it on
have found it its it will affect all net not just ntl


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