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our daily walk

Started by manicscousers, October 15, 2007, 20:30:18

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me and maisie



That looks a lovely place to walk manic, I do like to see in no houses, roads or people other than yourself and best friend ;)
I was born with nothing and have most of it left.


behind me, there's a main road but in front, there's a new wood, walks and miles of space, unfortunatey, after half an hour, I've had it  ;D


tHATS 15 MINUTES MORE THAN ME HUN................(Im at it again!! sigh :-\. No prizes for guessing why Im not a secretary ::)caps lock 'n' me eh?)

I was born with nothing and have most of it left.


ray does that, I think its great  ;D


Hi Manic. Looks like both of you are enjoying the walk. Does my memory serve me right, is Maisie the dog you are fostering for an unlimited time? Is she still kept in the kitchen when you go out? Don't want your visitors sitting on a chair and the chair collapsing (after Maisie has chewed the legs) ;D
Looks as if there is a mist in the photo, did the sun come out?


hiya, lorna..the sun tried, didn't get far but it stayed dry, unlike today..
yes, she's the same dog, still stays in the kitchen but is better, much happier and comes back when we go out for her walk..
she's ripped up 3 tennis balls and a cloth reindeer ..we've bought her a ball made of rubber, ray threatened to get a 'corky' ball' apparently they're rock hard  ;D
we don't know how long we've got her for but we're enjoying our new friend  :)


this is whee maisie waits for me on our walks, funny dog  ;D


I was born with nothing and have most of it left.

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