General > The Shed

- the mind boggles - or mine does!

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Apologies if this repeats - but, although not a lottie thing, I reckon it's as good as any tall story.

You read about the woman (sorry, person) doing 100 mph for 75 miles because her brakes failed - in touch throughout on her phone. Am I round the twist or, depending on whether manual or auto, might s/he not have cut the ignition - or dis-engaged??

Am I missing something? = Tim

She was probably too busy working her phone to think straight.

Popped my break lines once in an Alaskan winter. I drove about 10 km without any brakes (hand brake hadn't worked for a long time) at little more than walking speed, ready to dive into a snow bank on the side when needed. Cruised to a beautiful stop in the middle of the garage parking lot hahaha.

Something doesn't sound right about that story Tim,

On a car with power assisted steering turning off the ignition leaves one unable to steer. On  a manual gear box going into neutral would slow the car down and with the handbrake which is manually operated would halt the car. Tall story indeed.

Amazing isn`t it?  When I (and, of course, Tim) learned to drive - in the days of cable and rod operated drum brakes - every driver learned to reduce his (or her) speed by changing down through the gearbox (double- declutching, of course), and using the brakes only for the final stop.

Nowadays we are told by the experts that it`s `Gears to go and brakes to slow`, and my grandson`s driving instructor didn`t know what double-declutching was!

No doubt we shall all soon get in our cars and press a button, and everything else will be controlled for us by a central driving computer outsourced to somewhere in India.

- of course, Hugh - I was forgetting that extra feature - and one can engage 'low' even on an automatic!
Steering's a good point, but this was on a m/way, so not much needed. = Tim


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