General > The Shed

It Could Happen to Anyone!


The young secretary was just putting on her coat to go home at 6:00 pm when the managing director came into the room carrying a sheet of paper, walked across to the shredding machine, and stood looking apprehensively at it. Politely, she asked “Can I help you sir.

"Listen," said the Managing Director, "This is important, and my secretary has left. Can you make this thing work?"

"Certainly," said the young secretary. She turned the machine on, took the closely handwritten sheet of paper from him, inserted it into the slot, and pressed the start button.

The managing director smiled his appreciation.  "Excellent, excellent!" he said as his paper disappeared inside the machine….

"I just need two copies."  

Too many inexperienced cowboys and too few experienced indians comes to mind ;D ;D ;D

Nice one Hugh :)

Great Hugh ;D ;D  Where do you get them all from :D

Mrs Ava:
HHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Oh my god, that could have been written about any of the MD's that I used to work for! hehehehehehehehehehehe

I`ve worked for people like that!  ;) ;D


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