General > The Shed

Germination celebration

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My first seeds have germinated this year! woohoo! ;D

I sowed five sweetpeas (that's all I had left) and six pots of lobelia two weeks ago - I now have one long sweetpea (might prove rather premature with my celebration as it's rather leggy) and several tiny lobelias saying hello to the sun!

Mrs Ava:
Congratulations Aqui, and on your birthday to.  Every one say aaawwwww  ;D

Hope you did the happy dance Aqui,i have sown over 50 containers since the 1st of feb after reading up about the winter sowing method in the gardenweb forums,and i had my first sprouts on the 6thfeb and a few more since.
I have been growing from seed for the last 6 years but the excitement on seeing the first sprouts never diminishes,still just a big kid. ;D

Oh no - twasn't today. I noticed at the weekend, could've happened any time over the last four days, or so. (I'm a bad mummy!)  :-/

what with wakign up late, opening presents, etc, I had no time to check on things before rushing off to work this morning!

yes tracey - happy dance was done. I think it was more bouncing up and down with joy. hubby thinks I'm mad!


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