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Donate Button - DON'T PANIC

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Hi Dan
Sent a small donation - hope you got it OK

Hi Dan,  Just sent you my contribution.  Hope it was okay.  Well worth it!  Keep up the good work.   :) busy_lizzie

Just made our donation  :)

We may not post much but we certainly absorb all the useful information you all supply on here.  Well worth paying for in our opinion.

Made a note in our calendar to remind us to donate again in a years time.

Hopefully the money you receive from donations and sponsored links will be enough to keep the site running.

Yo peeps

Did you get confirmation email?

I dont know if I hae donated or not now?  just checked banky account and I iz still as poor as a churchy mouse, but not a tenner poorer.. I hit the continue button at the end and Icame back to same page with my detail on it... can anyone run through the procedure for peeps like me... cuz I iz confused.. have I or havent I?

how and when will I know?

and agree with colin and yvonne and rest this site rocks and would definately buy and wear the T Shirt.... marketting dan marketing... advertisers should be begging you mate..


oZzY %)


Admin aka Dan:

I am in the process of setting up a PB Box so that people who want to donate, but do not want to use a card on the internet can.

I'll put the details up when I have them.




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