Produce > Under Glass

Seeds in Mini Greenhouses

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Hi everyone, I'm totally new to this allotment malarky so I apologise if my question is totally obvious but, I've just bought one of those mini greenhouse thingys - three tiers with a PVC zip up cover and I wanted to know if its a good idea to put my yet to emerge seedlings in it outside?  I've got tomatoes and runner beans so far but I'm not sure what sort of temperature I should be reaching for them to germinate.

Would be grateful for any advice!

P.S. I'm in Devon so its not very cold and we aren't likely to get anymore frosts.

Tomatoes need warmth to germinate so I think it will get too cold outside.  Runner beans maybe ok but I'd do both inside I think.  Tomatoes will need keeping fairly warm indoors until all danger of frost has past. 

If you read the backs of the packets it will give you exact instructions on what to do.  Just follow the advice given and all will be well  :)

Welcome Kazum :)

I have one of those too :-) Unless it's really sunny, they don't get quite hot enough to have stuff germinate evenly - heat loving stuff like tomatoes etc. I am still germinating my toms, peppers and cucumbers in the airing cupboard, then giving them around a week on the warm kitchen windowsill, then moving to a colder windowsill and will move them from there to the mini-greenhouse.  Runner beans and french beans would come in this category as well, and also courgettes and pumpkins.

Have germinated lettuce, sweet peas, chives, leeks in the mini-greenhouse though.

No more frosts - lucky you  :)

Make sure your greenhouse is weighted down and possibly even tied too, mine blew over in strong winds last week, and at least one other A4Aer has had the same thing happen.

My sweetcorn did germinate in there though, in a sunny week - they are heat-loving and frost-sensitive too  ???

Mrs Ava:
My lovely grandad is in North Devon and he won't be thinking of doing runners until mid may, altho he does sow them directly. 

Apple Dumpling:
Hello Kazum, Welcome to the site. I'm in Devon too, hence the Dumpling!!


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