Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Distance to your allotment

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Tee Gee:
Just out of the back door for me now! :happy7:

A mile away, 3-4 times a week in when preparing, sowing, harvesting and putting to bed for winter, odd times even then when it is once in a week. The rest of the time, once, maybe twice a week.

George the Pigman:
It's about a mile. But since I don't drive its walkies all the way through outer suburban Birmingham.(unless I can persuade my wife to drive me there or pick me up).
Main problem is carrying things. If I need to take over things that are heavy or bulky. Then I have to book a space on the wife's chariot!

Mines is just round the corner. So more than Cudsey's and less than Flighty's!
I usually use a bike and trailer or push a wheelbarrow as there are always bags of compost to go round from the rabbits and other compost enhancing liquids.

Distance travelled survey results - well folks an interesting result. 

Of the 14 responders -

half travel 1/4 mile or less to their plot (lucky fellas).

3 travels a mile or less

1 travels 2 miles

2 travels 6 miles

and eddibles travels the furthest at 8 miles

The lucky ones who live close to their plots have negligible travel costs but I have calculated that travelling just a mile to a plot everyday will cost about £100 per year in petrol.  So that makes a plot 10 miles away cost about £1000 year - that's a lot of veg! So for ed dibbles and to a slightly lesser extent brownthumb2 and myself, allotment costs are quite significant. I wonder if anyone would go over the £1000 a year travel cost to keep an allotment?



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