Produce > Recipes

Unusual greens

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As ever, plenty of recipes on BBC Good Food and BBC Food which have lots of Chinese and Thai recipes and some Vietnamese and Korean ones too.   Failing that, steamed whole or sliced up and stir fried is always good.

sadly my pak choi all went funny while i was away it looked fine before i went now looks like its finished :(

I love how fast some of these oriental greens are Annie ... some others to consider for a winter greens bed are mustard greens, mizuna, and tatsoi.  As for cooking they are too delicate to boil, but most are great in salads and if you want to use them to accompany a warm dish (and you have enough) then you can stir fry a mixture of them with just light seasoning and maybe some onion or garlic to serve as a vegetable.  I've taken to planting up a couple of winter beds that mix these things with some winter lettuce, claytonia, land cress, rocket and other salady things.  If you give it some simple protection it will even get through the worst frosts, I put on the same kind of netting that I use to see off cabbage white butterflies (which was originally to deter rabbits) and it is enough to stave off the worst winds and frosts to keep the winter beds growing through to March. 

Thanks all, some great suggestions there.

Spinach, eat the young leaves raw in a cheese sandwich. I never bother cooking it any more. Nice in a mixed salad with lettuce, rocket and young chard leaves too.


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