Author Topic: NO GARDENING TODAY  (Read 3558 times)


  • Hectare
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« on: July 23, 2018, 07:02:08 »
instead of being out in the sunshine tending my weeds I shall have to sit in a classroom being lectured on speeding, because I was driving on a road full of wannabe Olympic cyclists and instead of keeping my eyes glued on the speedo in case I got too near to one I drifted over by 5mph and got clocked. The car would have still stopped quicker than the braking time given out in the highway code but I suppose the government needs the stealth tax. First ticket in 55 years driving.


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« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2018, 08:37:45 »
I went  a few years ago and found it really interesting and helpful.
I feel that I am a better driver since then. But just incase my car bleeps when you go over 30 mph!


  • Hectare
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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2018, 14:40:07 »
Pumpkinlover, that's very thoughtful of you to rig your car, so that when Ace goes over 30 it beeps at you.
But how do you then warn him?
If you phone him, and he answers, he'll get nicked for using his phone while driving, and have to go on another "Awareness" course.
Still it's a good idea!!
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  • Hectare
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« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2018, 14:51:54 »
It would not have happened if the YIPK was in the car. My very own satnag always tells me if I am going too fast. I always tell her I go faster when I am on my own. She replies 'I'm glad I am not with you when you are on your own'


  • Half Acre
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« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2018, 16:42:20 »
I have a special button on the dashboard that you can press which transports you 1 minute back in time.  I thought it was a gimmick when the salesman pointed it out to me but now I can see a use for it.  I will try it out if I ever accidentally upset a speed camera or run over a hedgehog.


  • Hectare
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« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2018, 17:20:42 »
We have that scourge, Community Speed Watch, retired old *arts who have nothing they'd rather do than lurk behind overgrown roadside plantings and zap the errant motorist. I am sure that the speed with which they rush towards should be deducted from their readings, but risky to take to court.
Freelance cultivator qualified within the University of Life.


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« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2018, 18:07:01 »
Pumpkinlover, that's very thoughtful of you to rig your car, so that when Ace goes over 30 it beeps at you.
But how do you then warn him?
If you phone him, and he answers, he'll get nicked for using his phone while driving, and have to go on another "Awareness" course.
Still it's a good idea!!

Note to self -I must remember  to read what I have written before I post!!


  • Hectare
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« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2018, 19:47:31 »
instead of being out in the sunshine tending my weeds I shall have to sit in a classroom being lectured on speeding, because I was driving on a road full of wannabe Olympic cyclists and instead of keeping my eyes glued on the speedo in case I got too near to one I drifted over by 5mph and got clocked. The car would have still stopped quicker than the braking time given out in the highway code but I suppose the government needs the stealth tax. First ticket in 55 years driving.
I have not had any accidents, but I have seen plenty in my mirror!


  • Hectare
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« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2018, 09:01:03 »
No bloody gardening today either, a stabbing down the lane and they cordon off the whole road. Just a couple of stoners having an argument. I have reported it before that the lane is used by dealers but the police would rather cherrypick motorists than deal with real crime.


  • Acre
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« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2018, 09:06:37 »
Hi Ya,  It seems to be a problem all over with regards to the police. The lot we have are hopeless and are more interested in sitting on their fat backsides on the main road in their cars. They are only interested in nicking car drivers, It took them 5 weeks to turn up to a house that had been burgled. I also got the impression that if it was community speed watchers they had to write to you first to warn you and they had to catch you 3 times. Must be wrong. It is only going to get worse I feel as they are on about upping pay from money saved and the government say they will not put in so there are more cuts and shortages on the way. Still I have my lottie and I can leave it all behind me but O do wonder for my grandchildren. Chin up stiff upper lip ok say what LOL


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  • Cartaxo, Portugal
    • Barriedale Allotments
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2018, 10:33:05 »
I don't really have that much sympathy with speeding motorists but to bust someone at 5mph over the limit is a bit miserly. 
Like a lot of drivers I have been busted for speeding but at least you don't have to pay the "stealth tax" if you go to the one day course which I found quite interesting.. Annoying to take a day off for it but entirely my fault so nothing for me to complain about

I also support Community Speedwatch.  It frees police up to do other "proper" work and the aim is not to take you to court but to educate and prevent - of course repeat and excessive offenders can be prosecuted and rightly so.  We had it round here for a while and lots of young people, including a mate of mine, joined in but I am SE London so maybe the demographic is different.  Offenders just got a letter..

I think it is easy to criticise the police over this - it is an easy catch after all but speeding is a real issue and we would rightfully be on their case where they did nothing and people were injured or killed.
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


  • Acre
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« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2018, 11:43:17 »
Hi Ya, Don't get me wrong I agree that speeding is dangerous and we all do it. I find the police round seem to pick motorists as easy prey. Though one place where there are these average speed monitors they have some a dozen times or more speeding and they are still driving, why? lock them up. one was reported as having 157 points on their licence. I got upset at 3 once in 42 years. The person is obviously ignoring all. Community speed watch is good and there is no excuse especially as they are supposed to, and indeed do, advertise the fact they are there. I drive a lot on country roads and the speed some drive as if they are on dual carriage way, I confronted one who clipped my wing mirror and he said he knew the road, oh you can see round corners then says I, I have seen dog walkers, some of them don't help themselves as they dress in dark colours, hikers with kids, horses, sheep all sorts but still they drive like a main road. I did say to beware as if he clipped me again I would rearrange his nether regions and I must admit he took heed as I see him every day on the road. He probably goes crazy when he's passed me but hey ho. Any way cay serar serar, Just take care all


  • Hectare
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« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2018, 21:27:02 »
I do get annoyed with some people speeding.  They are building a new junction on the Witney bypass and the traffic has to go down to one lane.   Most people form an orderly queue, but others speed down the  outside and then cut in.  One car just cut straight in front of the car in front of  me and they had to break quite hard.   How come some people do not see the 40 mph sign. 
I agree it is sometime very difficult to overtake cyclists.  They ride round in groups two or three abreast.  Then when you finally overtake, they then go beside at traffic lights and you end up having to overtake all over again.  I got caught behind one group for miles,  when I finally got past them, I slowed down and gave them a taste of their own medicine.  They got very shirty.  What is it with cyclists, some of them have become very arrogant and inconsiderate?   


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  • Cartaxo, Portugal
    • Barriedale Allotments
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2018, 07:24:27 »
Sometimes I wonder my motorists are in such a rush to overtake cyclists if they are just going to get caught up again at the lights or where-ever.   :tongue3:
However as a long time cyclist I will always pull in if I can and will never try to hold traffic up on purpose - in fact I find there is much more politeness on the road these days but you'll always find inconsiderate people on bikes, in cars, walking or in any aspect of life.   It is of course perfectly legal and even encouraged to cycle two up on most roads - but never more then that and not on busy roads.  Of course if cyclists are riding single file then the line is twice as long and that can make it more dangerous to overtake in some ways.
I think the reason why cyclists can come across as inconsiderate is this.  Every single day I am out on my bike I have some sort of dangerous encounter with a vehicle - sometimes (rarely!) this is my fault but in general it is drivers not indicating or looking - they are not been aggressive in general just unaware.  I have been knocked off several times, broken ribs, lost teeth and done £££ damage to my bike.  However in 30 years of driving I have never had a real issue with a cyclist.  So rightly or wrongly I think cyclists tend to ride a little more defensively and to drivers this can come over as arrogance..
I actually dislike riding in groups due to the attitude of some riders though - there are definite some road warriors types out there..
Of course the one benefit of a bike is that we are not subject to the speed limit!
Moved to Portugal - ain't going back!


  • Acre
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« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2018, 07:46:17 »
Hi Ya, I do give time to bikes and sometimes I see why they do what they do. Some of the clubs about our way take the mick as they have no regards for other road users not even other cyclists, there are cycle paths but they don't use them. I find the fleshing bright front lights off putting and they are illegal as it is stipulated, and I quote, a solid white light must be displayed on the front of every vehicle unquote,but the cops would rather nick car drivers. I have taken to putting my lights up full beam when they come towards me. Some do wave you past them, and thanks but, I would rather hang back and go when I feel safe. And I believe there is a speed limit for bikes and it is 16.4mph, I found that out as I looked at getting an electric powered assist bike and they said it was governed to the max speed for a bike. Perhaps someone in the know could enlighten us. 


  • Hectare
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« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2018, 08:07:35 »
I should think that speed limit for bikes is just for leccy cycles, the same as for road going invalid scooters or obesicles as they are known around here. The day I was clocked being in the Dorking area where everybody was trying to beat Bradley Wiggins time they were going faster than that. In fact we were overtaken quite a lot that morning due to the congestion that the cyclists were causing. I do not know where I was clocked, but I bet the 'safety cameras' were on a downhill stretch, the preferred site for maximum revenue. In future I will wait for a Nissan Micra (spit) and follow it, they never do more than 22mph.


  • Hectare
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  • Johanniskirchen
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2018, 08:25:18 »
Thank you Barriedale Nick for putting it so eloquently.  Cycling in Britain is more dangerous compared to cycling on the continent.  This is a statement that is far too general, there are careful drivers and idiots everywhere, but the average distance kept when overtaking a cyclist on the continent is wider.  And in those countries where 'my other car is a bicycle' applies, ie where everybody also rides a bike, people understand far better what it is to ride a bike.  And slow down, give way and overtake wide. 

The number of times I had abuse from drivers who had to wait a moment and drive behind me before they could overtake is legend.  In this country only!  I never had that abuse abroad.  Usually drivers expect that you squeeze in to let them pass rather than overtaking you.  On busy, narrow roads during rush hour nobody overtakes, everybody squeezes.  I have felt the need to walk with my bike to let cars squeeze by, otherwise it is not safe during rush hour.  Flashing lights are a must to be seen.  To be legal, I have a dim solid light too in addition to my flashing ones.

Lezelle, do not think for a minute that the fact there is a bike path (that's so rare anyway) means you can actually use it.  I always use bike paths when available, but on many occasions had to go back to the road, because their surface is worse than the road, huge potholes, weeds encroached, low overhanging vegetation hitting you in the face - you name it.  They are often not fit to ride on.  Speaking as a cyclist (and a motorist), please remember that bikes are supposed to be part of the climate change solution, of the health solution and please be patient, think bicycle (try it yourself once in a while to understand what it means) and please, slow down and overtake wide.  :wave: 
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 09:08:04 by galina »


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« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2018, 08:34:14 »
We have cycle lanes, but they are just a token gesture to allow the council to get brownie points. Usually full of parked cars so as much use a chocolate fire guard.

I have survived motorcycle, now a  scooter and cycle ( as well as car ) by the theory that everyone is (intentionally or not) out to kill me.
 Once I did pull out onto a roundabout because I forgot I was cycling not driving, it would have been plenty of time if I was driving a car myself but by heck did my legs have to work  to get out of the way of the approaching car!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 08:41:43 by pumpkinlover »


  • Hectare
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  • Johanniskirchen
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2018, 08:59:45 »
Anyway, what did you make of the course Ace?  Any good?  :wave:


  • Acre
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« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2018, 10:11:00 »
Hi, I would be interested in how the course went as I have heard those who have attended say it was very informative. I to am a cyclist and car, tractor, lorry driver. But my hips are giving me gip these days so that's why I looked at electric assist. I do have time for cyclists but when there is a path for them and they use what is a very busy main road then I do wonder. I see some use the normal path and I can't fault them for it as the road is an a two lane A road and carry's lots of lorries and a lot of cars, they are safer on the path. I have seen some near misses that made me cringe. In fact other drivers have got the hump with me as I have hung back until I feel it's safe to overtake and you will not change me. I do feel for them on the back lanes I use as there are some absolute speed nutters on them. I see one disabled chap on a regular basis who rides 15 miles morning and evening and I have seen him at the side of road with a puncture so turned round put his bike in my car and driven him home. He even said he was surprised as I went out of my way for him but I would help any one. That said in to days world you have to be so careful as some will think ill of you but that's another subject. Happy days


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