Allotment Stuff > Allotment Movement

Right to silence

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as a site manager this is how i would see it no evidence no case i would have a chat to both party's  to try and mediate the bad feeling and steer a happy ship we have a 7 man committee if there was evidence of wrong doing the  7 would try and sort it out without eviction saying that if it was theft or bullying and the evidence was compelling eviction would be the only option however most other problems would be sorted with a chat and a warning if the allegation  was totally unfounded the accuser would be delt with accordingly  hope this helps


It is all about evidence.  Common law is that an accused person is innocent until proven guilty. No one in court has to prove their innocence. That is extremely difficult and not required. The prosecution has to prove guilt.

If someone levels an accusation, the accused can either confess or deny the accusation. So if you feel you have been unjustly accused, make a clear denial and ask what evidence has been given to prove the accusation.  If it is simply one person's word against another, that is not proof and a sensible committee will not accept the accusation as true on that basis alone.  Jonnyco15 gives an excellent summary of how a good committee will work.

Well done Bill Door you make some good points, especially on indicating other possible reasons why the caterpillar is munching on your neighbours cabbages.  Of course I would add that the caterpillar should be properly tested for fingerprints.  The absence of your fingerprints wouldn't prove your innocence of course, but the presence of your fingerprints would almost certainly be compelling evidence against you.

I am not sure whether allotment managers can insist on fingerprinting plot holders to eliminate them from their enquiries, but of course I know an innocent people like yourself would not hesitate to have your fingerprints taken, so that hopefully you will be acquitted by the allotment jury.

Remember to make sure that it is properly recorded that you were acquitted of the charge not simply that not enough evidence was found against you to proceed with a conviction.  You have the right to have the charge and the subsequent acquittal properly documented for legal reasons - a simple verbal judgement wouldn't be sufficient.

Something like this-

We the Fartington Allotment Society find Bill Door innocent on all charges in respect of the caterpillar on cabbage incident, and his character remains unsullied, but we will keep an eye on him.



johnyco15 - in Bill Door's case there is no evidence of Bill putting the caterpillar on his neighbours cabbage, just the testimony of his accuser.  So as there is no real evidence are you saying you would sort it out by giving Bill Door a chat and a warning - are you warning him about something he hasn't done?

Bill Door:

Beersmith and I are trying to be helpful.  You seem intent on being provocative and have many axes to grind with all the wrong people.  After all you asked for comments and if you can't see how inflammatory your comments are to those that are on your side then there is no hope.



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