Produce > Chillies Ahoy

Help needed about overextended peppers and chillies?

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Hello experts,
I have overwintered a few pepper and chilli plants at the school to see if we can't get ahead start this year. Most of the plants were attacked by white fly some are still suffering and some although they have green stems have no leaves at all. Will these plants grow new leaves and should I repot them and prune them at all? Should I give them a feed?
Any advice would be great as I really don't know what to do.

I dont know about peppers , but I thought I,d over winter the last tomato plant which (Cherokee purple tomato) was just still growing strong when all the other varieties  had withered away . Well , it kept growing strong all through the winter ,being careful to give it a drop of rain water every now and then ...and then just the other week completely drooped and withered in a heap ...I was just about to throw it out , when I noticed some tiny shoots coming up  :blob7:  I,d say to you , carry through your experiment   . ...and let us know what happens !  Debbie   :coffee2:

Nora, same here with some chilli plants. Green stem and no sign of life yet. Im watching and hoping :)

Hi Nora,

Peppers, especially the commonest species C. annuum, vary wildly in their ability to overwinter - each variety is different and even if you stick with the better varieties, you will lose half or a quarter or (very rarely) none - it is a lottery which plants will survive. Quite honestly, they're often disappointing anyway -  you mollycoddle a plant for 12 months and then see it get overtaken by seedlings.

C. baccatum are generally better, but they only overlap with the best of the common ones.

Only C. pubescens (rocoto/locoto/manzano) are significantly better... if kept above 4C you will lose between a sixth (occasionally) and none (regularly). They also have an interesting flavour and the green fruits are what I'd call mild (cooler than a jalapeno) and put a delicious background glow into stews, bolognese, and casseroles. The last green ones of the season are very mild (we eat them around Xmas). Unfortunately I have to rely on them overwintering because I rarely get them to fruit in the first year, but they are big plants in their second year and you get loads.

All the other species are much more fussy, though there are some crosses out there.


PS. if you want them for a school greenhouse then C. pubescens are a real talking point - look them up.

The green stemmed Baccatum ones that overwintered are sprouting , so pleased! I trim down the older /dead looking stem?


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