Author Topic: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot  (Read 6593 times)


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Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« on: July 17, 2016, 21:54:05 »
I'm so furious! The stupid thoughtless b**tard has used some sort of strong herbicide to kill his wheat crop to get it to ripen all at once (mmmm weedkiller flavoured bread!) ... but whatever machine he's used this time has sprayed a full 6-8 metres inside our allotments too and there are noticeable herbicide effects on my summer raspberries, plums, hazelnuts, strawberries and asparagus.

I don't know what to do ... I don't know when he sprayed the field and I don't know what herbicide has been used.

To make matters worse - I picked the glut of the very same raspberries that are showing damage just yesterday and made a mammoth load of jam this morning.  Now I have no idea whether the spray was all over the raspberries or not and whether my lovely pots of jam are edible or not.

Does anyone have any advice on this?  It seems like criminal damage to me, but is it?  What kind of spray could he have used, and could it render my crops inedible?  I don't think enough spray has got over to kill the perennials, but only time will tell!  The  weeds in the buffer zone and my own plants show a kind of damage which is similar in my experience to glyphosate, could that be it?  Or is it worse?

I just don't know what to do ... I try to garden organically but this has just taken it completely out of my hands and I am fuming!  Bloody farmers!


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2016, 22:33:50 »
He was probably using Glyphosphate as a pre harvest desiccator, used a few days before cutting to ensure the crop is evenly mature and the moisture of the grain is acceptable for harvest. Not many people know that their daily bread was made with wheat which was freshly sprayed just a few days previously. Does anyone have a wheat intolerance which has emerged in the last few years?


  • Hectare
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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2016, 22:42:21 »
I didn't know it was glyphosate ... but just watching the farmers round here it's pretty clear that's what they're doing.  Spraying just before harvest to kill the very plant they're harvesting.

I'm sure the rules have been made so it's just the right side of legal ... but seriously, I can't think of anything more dodgy than spraying just before harvest with a chemical that is deemed safe despite conflicting evidence that it breaks down to nothing dangerous in the soil after a few days.  It wouldn't surprise me if this practice is eventually proven to be a real health risk and related to wheat intolerance ... but of course innocent until proven guilty doesn't save people damaged by such practices in the meantime!


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2016, 22:54:03 »
Squeezyjohn, don't really know what to say. Had similar a few years back but not to same extent (wind drift). Same eejit took down our live overhead wires and left it like that with no warning. Our other farmer / neighbour is an absolute star.
Regards your jam, anyway of finding out if spraying was post your picking fruit?

Not sure if this is any use. I'd take photos now and after any ill effect changes.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2016, 22:58:09 »
Thanks Hector ... useful advice.

It seems as if the odds are stacked massively in favour of farmers doing what the hell they want to!  And given they are rarely very worried about what people think about them ... that's exactly what they will keep on doing ... they are a law unto themselves!


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2016, 23:09:02 »
No advice, just massive commiserations from me John    :BangHead:


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2016, 23:23:27 »
I am sorry this has happened to you so frustrating.  It is so annoying when you work so hard and someone destroys it.

There is a lot of conflicting information about glyphosate.   I suppose you could ask the farmer precisely when he sprayed his crops. 

The thought of a farmer spraying just before harvest is appalling.  If this is widespread no wonder there is an increase in all sorts of illnesses.

However I do understand where farmers are coming from, they are squeezed to the bone on prices, and have to resort of any means possible to make a living.

Make me want to go organic what ever the cost, though having worked in an office situation on an organic farm I was horrified to see the thistles etc wilting a week or so after the soil was tested.  As soon as the soil inspection was done the weedkiller was out.  The organic certification inspectors need to do a random check two weeks after the previous one.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2016, 00:11:22 »
Whatever the final verdict on glyphosate - you shouldn't have it foisted on you by someone else!  If you have an allotment it should be illegal for a neighbouring farmer to spray it on your side of the fence!  If I lose some of my valuable plants I shall be seeking compensation for the harvest, the replacement plants and my time that has been wasted through his lazy methods and carelessness.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2016, 03:40:16 »
I would take farmer to court and sue him for illegal spaying and violation of environmental regulation.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2016, 06:46:16 »
So sorry to hear this, clearly it must be wind drift, its unlikely the booms of the sprayer actually passed over the boundary. So what to do?
Your allotment group should decide to act jointly. Phone ,and write to the land owner. Its probable its the work of a sub-contractor, here today but wanting to come back tomorrow. Protest most strongly and determine the material used. Seek cash and attempt to get an understanding regarding future notice, so you can have a witness onsite. A cordon sanitaire could be negotiated within,say, 50 yards of the field boundary.
If you get no reaction, involve your Parish Council and possibly the local office of Defra. Your right to grow is as valid as your neighbours, its common law and there is no reason why you should be the loser.
Freelance cultivator qualified within the University of Life.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2016, 08:51:24 »
Squeezyjohn I don't have any real advice as I really wouldn't know what to do in this situation other than asking the farmer exactly when the field was sprayed so you can work out if your jam is contaminated. I am truly gutted for you I really am.
I have developed a large range of food intolerance in the last 8 years, wheat being one of them. I do have immune system diseases so my body is very sensitive to chemicals. I didn't realise farmers sprayed wheat just before harvesting, I bet this is why I can no longer tolerate wheat. I had been eating wheat quite happily for the other 43 years of my life!
I know you probably won't want to move allotment plots but if this farmer is going to continue this practice could you consider moving to a plot away from his fields? A massive upheaval I know but at least then you would be away from his poisons. xjane       


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2016, 09:42:36 »
I am so sorry to read about this, squeezyjohn. 

I agree with the suggestions ancellsfarmer put in his post.  You need the backing of the allotment group and may well have to take the matter to the Parish Council and DEFRA.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2016, 10:21:34 »
My allotment is a private one and as such has no committee or any structure in place like that.  It's just owned by one of the Oxford colleges and the man who collects the rent and keeps the keys gets his plot for free!  No list of rules, no tenancy agreements, just a bit of land and a key to the padlock!  Sometimes that is a blessing.  I suspect that in this case it's more of a curse though.

I've tried to ring the farmer but can't get through.  I don't really know what else I can do. I'm going to pop down the site and see how the affected plants are doing.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2016, 11:29:33 »
I'm sorry you are having these problems.
We've fields next to our garden and my veggie plot, which are used for grazing and grass crops. I know the farmer sprays areas for weeds some years, when he does he drives very slowly and only on calm days. But even so I am am anxious when he does spray so can only imagine how you feel with actual damage. From the little I know spraying crops has strict controls and damage to other land is surely not right. I'd keep trying to get in touch with the farmer, I guess at this time of year he is very busy and likely to be difficult to contact.

Hope you get somewhere with this, I know no help for this year but future ones.
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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2016, 11:49:28 »
Report it anyway to your local DEFRA. they have to record everything when they spray, including wind speed and direction, sunny/overcast etc. The dose per hectare. If any of this has been missed they are breaking the law. When you report they will have to inspect the farmers/contractors records and if anything is found missing it is a hefty fine. if they are cavalier about the drift, you can bet they are the same with records. This is not getting revenge but making sure the rules are being kept and they are rules not guidelines. I was employed as a sprayer in a former life and it usually took 2 hours from your day just recording the work. You have grounds for compensation anyway just with the drift, don't take a backhander if offered.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2016, 21:04:54 »
My allotment is a private one and as such has no committee or any structure in place like that.  It's just owned by one of the Oxford colleges and the man who collects the rent and keeps the keys gets his plot for free!  No list of rules, no tenancy agreements, just a bit of land and a key to the padlock!  Sometimes that is a blessing.  I suspect that in this case it's more of a curse though.

I've tried to ring the farmer but can't get through.  I don't really know what else I can do. I'm going to pop down the site and see how the affected plants are doing.
To catch a farmer at home, call at mealtimes ie 7.00 breakfast, Noon for lunch, 5pm Tea. Take a friend (moral support/witness)Otherwise sit in your car in his driveway. He will find you.
Freelance cultivator qualified within the University of Life.


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Re: Neighbouring farmer has sprayed my plot
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2016, 08:26:37 »
If you have an allotment it should be illegal for a neighbouring farmer to spray it on your side of the fence! 
  I thought already it was illegal.   


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