Produce > Under Glass


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Mrs Ava:
I am certain over watering kills more seedlings and plants than lack of watering!  I am with Teresa, don't bother misting, just sit them in a tray of water until the top of the compost is damp, then remove and let them get quite dry before repeating the process.

Thanks for that advice Wardy.  I too have the same problem.

They have plenty of light. The greenhouse is going up soon but they are on south facing windowsills. I turn them everyday.

On a happy note, the watering from the bottom seems to be working! All seedlings are looking bouncy and happy again (some of them spent the night in the bath!). I have taken them out now they are wet and will do as you say about letting them get quite dry.

SO glad I found this site! Thanks folks.

Shoyu,  I absolutely love your avatar !!  Is it a mouse or a weasel ??

lol, it says weasel at the top in tiny letters but you probably can't make it out. I stumbled across it in a magazine and loved the cheeky little face!


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