Produce > Under Glass

Today I have been sowing...

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Indoors    Gardeners Friend Toms and Coleus

Now tonight here its like Comic Relief...... Snowing with Flakes Like 50 pence pieces

Sown today (under glass): carnations, dahlias, helichrysum.

A gamble but, despite a sharp frost last night, & the 13th today, the forecast - & my bones - suggest that the time has come.

So, we're starting with lettuce, celery & parsley. And in small numbers in the hope that we will waste nothing in going to seed.

The 'no-dig-peat' compost is handling beautifully. But, of course, I'm comparing it with our usual multi-purpose stuff, in which there are always bits & pieces.

This morning Indoors in the propagators

Runner Beans on Kitchen Tissue

Parsnip In Toilet Roll Holders

Outdoors 30 Gladies in a Triangle

Toms in the Kitchen on the Windows sill doing Well

Outdoors in the Propagator  Broccoli beginning to Show

Front room Window sill Begonia showing

Mrs Ava:
Must get on with some pretties!  Have germinated in the gently heated greenhouse beetroots, 2 varities of sprouts, 3 varieties of leeks and 2 of spring onions.  Winter aconites are putting on lots of growth (thanks Eric) and what was it you sent me DP...sticky seeds...well anyhow, they are going mad so have been pricked out and are looking fit.  This week, will get busy!

In the conservatory, so underglass in a way, I have chillis, toms, aubergines, cucumbers, courgettes, celery, celeriac, parsley and basil all up.  Also the children had sunflower growhouses which they did last weekend, and in just one week, they are now nursing 10 sunflower seedlings each!


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